(a) There is hereby established the Cleveland Urban Forestry Commission, which shall consist of fifteen (15) members, eight (8) of whom shall be appointed by, the Mayor, and seven (7) of whom shall be appointed by City Council.
(b) The members of the Commission shall include the following:
(1) a representative from the Urban Forestry Section of the Division of Park Maintenance and Properties, Department of Public Works;
(2) a representative from the Department of City Planning;
(3) the Chief of the Office of Sustainability, or his or her designee;
(4) a representative from the Division of Engineering and Construction, Mayor's Office of Capital Projects;
(5) a representative from the Department of Public Utilities;
(6) Council Member or representative appointed by the Council President;
(7) a certified arborist;
(8) a representative from an electric company;
(9) a developer who has completed projects in the City;
(10) three (3) resident representatives, one (1) being a youth between the ages of eleven (11) and seventeen (17) who has permission from his or her parent or legal guardian;
(11) a representative from an environmental justice organization; and
(12) two (2) representatives from a non-profit or non-governmental organization whose mission is to advocate for preservation or enhancement of urban forests, wildlife habitat, or similar natural systems.
(c) The Mayor shall appoint those members from the City Departments, the youth resident representative, the representative from an electric company, and the representative from an environmental justice organization. The Council shall appoint all other members.
(d) Other than the representatives of City Departments, the term of the members shall be three (3) years; provided that of the initial appointments, four (4) members shall serve three (3) years and four (4) members shall serve two (2) years. If a vacancy occurs during the term of any member, the Mayor or Council President, depending on who appointed the outgoing member, shall appoint a successor to serve the unexpired portion of that term.
(e) The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. No. 702-2020. Passed 6-6-22, eff. 6-13-22)