§ 185.011 Advertisement for Bids and Making of Contracts
   When so authorized, the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies shall advertise for bids once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in the City Record for the doing of the work. Every advertisement for bids shall specify the place where bids will be received and the day and place when the same will be opened, and shall state that at 12:00 noon on the last day for filing bids in response to the advertisement, the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies will open and read all bids. After opening and reading, the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies shall immediately report the bids received, with his or her recommendations to the director of the department involved, who, in turn, shall transmit the bids to the Board of Control for consideration at its next regular meeting. Any or all bids may be rejected. No contract shall be awarded without the approval of the Board, and then only to the lowest responsible bidder.
(Ord. No. 1256-2023. Passed 12-4-23, eff. 12-7-23)