§ 190A.03 Community Benefits for Large Development Projects
   To receive City Financial Assistance of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) or more towards a Development Project expected to cost twenty million dollars ($20,000,000) or more, a Developer shall enter into an Agreement providing the Community Benefits required in Section 190A.02, and additionally include those of the following development-specific Community Benefits, as determined by the director of the applicable department in consultation with the Developer, in that Agreement:
   (a)   Joint-venture, co-development, and owner's representative opportunities for MBEs, FBEs, and CSBs;
   (b)   Associate partner opportunities for MBEs, FBEs, and CSBs;
   (c)   Promotion, support, and participation in workforce collaborations, similar to those supported in the manufacturing, information technology, and healthcare sectors, that expand job opportunities for communities of color and women;
   (d)   Hosting job fairs and contractor information and networking sessions about upcoming contracting opportunities;
   (e)   Unbundling construction work into smaller bid packages of sizes suitable for competition by MBE, FBE, and CSB firms;
   (f)   Facilitating access to bonding, financing, insurance, and other capacity-building assistance to MBEs, FBEs, and CSBs;
   (g)   Promoting opportunities for investment in the Development Project, including but not limited to community investment trusts and community land ownership;
   (h)   Incorporating LEED principles, and additional sustainable business practices, into the design and construction of the Development Project;
   (i)   Providing neighborhood infrastructure and safety improvements, including but not limited to curbs, street paving, sidewalks, multi-purpose and bicycle paths, pedestrian traffic-calming measures, parks and greenspace, landscaping, lighting, security cameras, bicycle racks, signage, public art, and blight removal, to the extent not provided by the City or other public entity;
   (j)   Affordable housing units in conjunction with the Development Project and/or contribution to a fund for that purpose;
   (k)   Use of project financing from a financial institution that has submitted an Affidavit of Intent required under Codified Ordinance Section 178.05 and in the form contained in Section 178.07, affirming its lending and financing opportunities and defined lending program in support of residential and commercial development in Cleveland's neighborhoods;
   (l)   Use of Cleveland Public Power as preferred electricity provider for the Development Project, to the extent feasible;
   (m)   A commitment to enter into a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) with one or more construction unions for the Development Project;
   (n)   Providing work opportunities for formerly incarcerated persons and at-risk youth;
   (o)   Meeting other community needs related to the Development Project;
   (p)   Contribution to a community equity fund designated by the Director of Finance with all expenditures requiring legislative approval;
   (q)   Any other negotiated community benefits, including but not limited to those enumerated in the regulations and procedures promulgated under Section 190A.06;
   (r)   Implementation plan for items listed above; and
   (s)   This section shall not apply to Development Projects under seventy-five million dollars ($75,000,000) receiving only a residential multi-family tax abatement as City Financial Assistance; however, the community benefits agreement requirements of Section 190A.02 and Ordinance No. 482-2022, passed March 25, 2022, Section 3 shall apply to such Development Projects.
(Ord. No. 297-2023. Passed 6-5-23, eff. 9-6-23)