§ 163.01 Declaration of Public Policy and Purpose
   Trees contribute to the quality of life of urban dwellers and are a valuable and beautiful asset throughout the City. Trees stabilize the soil, help control water pollution, preserve and foster air quality by removing carbon dioxide and airborne pollutants, abate visual and noise pollution, reduce energy costs by providing shade, and provide a natural habitat for wildlife. Not only do trees provide welcome shade to people, they also provide a psychological boost to urban dwellers, and add color and vitality to the urban landscape.
   The Urban Forestry Commission will serve in an advisory capacity to assist the Mayor, Cleveland City Council, Urban Forestry Section of the Division of Park Maintenance and Properties, and the City Planning Commission in ensuring the many benefits trees provide to citizens of the City by making recommendations related to:
   (a)   Maintaining the health of trees in our parks, rights-of-way and other public spaces and reducing the risk associated with trees;
   (b)   Increasing public education and support for urban forestry;
   (c)   Providing for the planting of new and replacement trees to preserve and expand the tree canopy;
   (d)   Maintaining the tree canopy and protecting trees during construction and development; and
   (e)   Establishing policy and regulations governing the protection, management, and conservation of trees and vegetation in the City; and
   (f)   Generating funds from the foundation community, corporate community, the citizens of the City, the private sector, and government grants to support urban forestry.
(Ord. No. 702-2020. Passed 6-6-22, eff. 6-13-22)