No person shall drive over any sidewalk or curb for any purpose in connection with demolition, house moving or building operations, or the delivery of material therefor or removal of material therefrom, or for any other purpose in connection therewith, without first having obtained a permit to do so from the Director of Public Service and posting a deposit or bond, adequate to reimburse the City for any costs which may be incurred by the City because of damage or destruction caused thereby, and in the form and amount directed or approved by the Director of Public Service and the Director of Law. Such deposit shall not be returned, nor shall the surety under a bond be released, until operations have been completed and an inspection of the premises and adjoining premises, made by an authorized representative of the Director of Public Safety, reveals no uncorrected damage or destruction. Any costs incurred by the City in correcting damage or destruction shall be deductible from the deposit or, when operations are performed under a bond, paid by the person, firm or corporation acting as surety.
(a) No material or equipment shall be stored or placed so as to be a hazard to the public, workmen, adjoining property, or to the structure on which it is placed.
(b) No fire hydrant, police or fire alarm box, public utility box, catch basin, or manhole shall be obstructed or rendered inaccessible, and every tree, lightpole, and utility pole shall be protected and maintained free from damage; and no material shall be piled, or equipment or structure placed, so as to interfere with proper drainage of street, or other public property.
(c) No material shall be handled, worked upon, or prepared so that public property may be damaged thereby.
(d) No sidewalk or walkway shall be severed and/or moved for activities such as storage of equipment or parking of vehicles related to construction unless deemed necessary by the Director of Capital Projects.
(Ord. No. 979-2020. Passed 7-14-21, eff. 7-16-21)
(a) A safe walkway, not less than four (4) feet wide and of greater width where deemed necessary by the Director of Capital Projects, shall be maintained as a continuation of abutting sidewalks at all demolition and building operations, as directed or approved by such Director. Existing sidewalks should be preserved. If passage on the existing sidewalk is not possible, a convenient and accessible pedestrian walkway shall be provided that replicates as nearly as practicable the existing sidewalk. Sidewalk closure with an alternative re-route or detour shall be a last resort. Signs shall be provided to direct pedestrians in accordance with the approved plan under division (c) of Section 411.011.
(b) Whenever a sidewalk vault is being constructed, or whenever the Director approves the temporary obstruction of a sidewalk, such walkway may be constructed outside of the curb line and abutting thereto, and shall be a durable walking surface of plank or other suitable approved material with a substantial guardrail along the outer edge. No walkway shall be maintained outside the curb line for a period longer than absolutely necessary for the operations being performed, and such walkway shall be re-located inside the curb line as soon as practicable.
(c) Sidewalks, walkways, and alternative pedestrian re-routes or detours shall be accessible in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Ohio Building Code Section 11.
(Ord. No. 979-2020. Passed 7-14-21, eff. 7-16-21)
(a) Protection for pedestrians and wheelchair riders on sidewalks or walkways from travel lanes and construction hazards shall be provided and maintained in conformity with this section during all times when they might be endangered by building operations. Such protection shall consist of barricades, fences, construction railings, barriers, covered walkways as set forth in the following Table, in accordance with Ohio Building Code Section 3306, Protection of Pedestrians, except that an approved covered walkway shall be provided and maintained whenever material is being moved over the sidewalk or walkway by derrick, hoist or chute.
Table of Required Sidewalk or Walkway Protection
Height of Construction (Feet)
Distance from Construction to Nearest Lot Line
Protection Required
8 or less | Less than 5 feet | Construction railings |
5 feet or more | None | |
More than 8 | Less than 5 feet | Barrier and covered walkway |
5 feet or more, but not more than one-fourth the height of construction | Barrier and covered walkway | |
5 feet or more, but between one-fourth and one-half the height of construction | Barrier | |
5 feet of more, but exceeding one-half the height of construction | None |
(b) Barricades. Pedestrian traffic shall be protected by a directional barricade where the walkway extends into the street. Barricades shall be substantially built and shall be not less than three (3) feet in height.
(c) Fences. Fences shall be substantially built with tight boards, plywood, or other suitable similar material applied on the outer face, and shall be not less than six (6) feet in height. When openings are required for access to the premises, they shall be equipped with sliding or inswinging doors or gates.
(d) Construction Railings. Construction railings shall be not less than forty-two (42) inches in height and shall be sufficient to direct pedestrians around construction areas.
(e) Barriers. Barriers shall be not less than eight (8) feet in height and shall be placed on the side of the walkway nearest the construction. Barriers shall extend the entire length of the construction site. Openings in such barriers shall be protected by doors that are normally kept closed.
(f) Covered Walkways.
(1) Protection covered walkways shall provide a clear height of not less than eight (8) feet above the sidewalk or walkway as measured from the floor surface to the canopy overhead.
(2) The roofs of such covered walkways shall be constructed of planks not less than two (2) inches thick or of approved equivalent material, and every covered walkway shall be designed to support all imposed loads, and capable of safely sustaining a load of two hundred (200) pounds per square foot; except that when material is stored thereon, covered walkways shall be capable of sustaining a load of at least three hundred (300) pounds per square foot.
(3) Every required covered walkway shall be of adequate width and length to protect pedestrians and unless otherwise approved by the Commissioner shall extend for the full length of the street or alley line of the building or other structure being erected.
(4) When materials are prepared or work performed on the roof of any such covered walkway, the covered walkway roof shall be enclosed on exposed sides and ends with a tight barricade not less than three (3) feet in height, or with a substantial railing not less than three (3) feet high with solid toe boards not less than six (6) inches high.
(5) Unless the top deck of the covered walkway is built solidly against the face of the building or other structure in such manner that no material can fall on the sidewalk or walkway, the side of the covered walkway toward the building or other structure shall have a tight wood fence or other suitable tight fence extending to the underside of the covered walkway, which may be equipped with sliding or inward-swinging doors or gates.
(Ord. No. 979-2020. Passed 7-14-21, eff. 7-16-21)
Whenever exterior scaffolding, exterior hoists or similar equipment extends more than one hundred (100) feet above grade level, or is used at a level more than one hundred (100) feet above grade level, the Commissioner may require the use of noncombustible material or lumber treated to make it fire resistive, except that those requirements shall not apply to thrustout or catch platforms or other similar temporary assemblies of a minor nature, and provided further, that scaffolding planks, hoist platforms and swinging scaffolds may be of wood.