(a) Except as provided in Sections 343.13, 343.21, division (a) of Section 3113.15, division (a) of Section 3113.18 and 3113.21 nothing in this Zoning Code, shall, however, authorize or permit, unless specifically authorized and permitted by the Board of Zoning Appeals, erecting, storing or maintaining beyond the established front building line at or above the grade level of the front yard, any structure, material, vehicle, merchandise, temporary office sign or other advertising matter on any lot used or maintained for any one (1) or more of the following purposes:
(1) The parking or servicing of motor vehicles;
(2) The sale of motor vehicles or trailers;
(3) The wrecking of motor vehicles;
(4) The storage of scrap metals or junk;
(5) The storage of fuel;
(6) The storage of building materials;
(7) The storage of contractor’s equipment;
(8) Any similar use of an open lot or premises.
(b) Where the front setback building line is a minimum of ten (10) feet in depth, the Board of Zoning Appeals may, after public notice and hearing, permit the usage of no more than one-half (1/2) of said building setback area adjacent to the setback building line for the purpose of accessory parking and/or the display for sale of automobiles in a General Retail Use District or any other less restrictive use district. Such permission shall be conditioned upon the placement of landscaping in the remaining setback and erection of a structurally sound barrier at least one and one-half (1-1/2) feet high located midway between the sidewalk and the setback building line. In a General Retail District or any other less restrictive use district, the Board of Zoning Appeals may permit more than one- half (1/2) of the setback to be used for accessory parking when the Codified Ordinances require that the permit is subject to approval by either the City Planning Commission or Landmarks Commission and the design has been approved by the appropriate commission. In such a case, the height of screening provided as part of the design may exceed the limits in Section 357.13. The plan for accessory parking in more than one-half (1/2) of the setback plan must be determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals to be in conformity with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code and must not have a significantly adverse effect on the surrounding area.
(c) As used in division (b) of this section “landscaping” generally includes contouring the earth and providing an arrangement of plant materials, to enhance the quality of a natural setting. Landscaping design may provide for a wide variety of plant materials including ground covers, flowers, shrubs, and trees. Landscaping may also include the design of outdoor amenity areas and outdoor pedestrian parks and plazas which contribute to the urban landscape form.
(Ord. No. 958-95. Passed 7-19-95, eff. 7-28-95)