§ 697A.02 Major Qualifying Event Permits
   (a)   Notwithstanding any Code provision or ordinance to the contrary, the Directors of Public Works, Public Safety, Building and Housing, Capital Projects, and the Commissioner of Assessments and Licenses, as applicable to the duties of their respective departments or divisions, are authorized to issue appropriate permits and authorizations related to activities associated with Major Qualifying Event.
   (b)   Notwithstanding any Code provisions or ordinances to the contrary, the various City directors are authorized to develop and implement policies and practices for consolidating applications for and expediting review and issuance of City licenses, permits, approvals, reviews and inspections as required by the laws of the City as needed for the Major Qualifying Event and related activities and to issue a comprehensive permit that incorporates various City permits for the Major Qualifying Event, including review and approval of a comprehensive signage plan in the Central Business District and the major routes into the City as proposed by the Local Organizing Committee or Sponsor, in a form acceptable to the Director of Law. The consolidated application process and issuance of a comprehensive City permit as described in this section shall be coordinated by the Director of Public Works or the Director's designee.
(Ord. No. 1028-18. Passed 1-14-19, eff. 1-15-19)