§ 357.12 Yard Height Regulations
   (a)   Level of Bottom of Yard.
      (1)   Residence Districts.
         A.   In Limited One-Family Districts, One-Family Districts and Two-Family Districts every rear yard and interior side yard, and in Multi-Family Districts every rear yard and interior side yard for a dwelling house or row house, shall begin at a level not higher than the grade level or, where the grade level of an abutting lot is at a higher level, at a level not higher than the grade level of the abutting lot.
         B.   In Multi-Family Districts every rear yard and interior side yard shall begin at a level not more than five (5) feet above grade level, except that rear yards and interior side yards for dwelling houses or row houses shall begin at the level specified in subsection (a)(1)A. hereof.
      (2)   Use Districts Other than Residence Districts.
         A.   In use districts other than Residence Districts every rear yard or interior side yard for a dwelling house or row house shall begin at a level not higher than the grade level, or where the grade level of an abutting lot is at a higher level, at a level not higher than the grade level of the abutting lot.
         B.   In use districts other than Residence Districts a rear yard or interior side yard for a building other than a dwelling house or row house shall begin at a level not lower than the window sill level of the lowest habitable room or lowest room of human occupancy relying upon natural light or natural ventilation from windows opening thereon, and the height of such yard shall be measured from the bottom of such yard as actually constructed, or from the grade level, whichever is higher.
   (b)   Application of Yard Depth or Width Requirements.
      (1)   The required depth or width of a yard in a Residence District, or for a residence building or building of Institutional H Occupancy Classification in other use districts, shall be the depth or width required for the full height of such yard.
      (2)   The abutting walls of yards provided under the provisions of Section 357.11, may be set back at various levels to provide the required width specified therein.
      (3)   In establishing the required depth of a rear yard or required width of an interior side yard as determined by the height of a building, such height shall be deemed to be the height of that portion of the building which abuts the yard; provided that such height shall not be required to include any portion of the building which extends above the height limit specified in Section 353.01 and is set back from the required yard lines as prescribed in Section 353.02.
(Ord. No. 573-18. Passed 7-18-18, eff. 8-17-18)