§ 76-2 Powers and Duties of Commission
   It shall be the function and duty of the Planning Commission to make and adopt a general plan for the development and improvement of the City, and for any area outside of the City which in the judgment of the Commission bears relation to the planning of the City. No general plan or portions thereof or amendments thereto shall be adopted by the Commission until after a public hearing thereon. So much of the general plan as may be established or from time to time amended by ordinance of Council shall constitute the official map of the City of Cleveland. The Commission shall also make plans and proposals for specific improvements and projects which it deems desirable for the City and its surrounding area and recommend them to the appropriate authority. These plans and proposals shall not become a part of the general plan until adopted as such. The Commission shall have authority to call upon officers and employees of other departments and divisions of the City of Cleveland for assistance in City planning. On or before the 1st day of June in each year the Commission shall recommend to the Mayor a capital improvement budget for the following year and a comprehensive five-year capital improvement program. It shall be the duty of the Commission to take the initiative in planning for the City and surrounding area and it shall have full power to publish and distribute at public expense copies of plans or reports and to promote public interest in and understanding of general plans and of other recommendations or proposals. It shall have authority to make such investigations, maps and studies relating to the planning of the community as it may deem desirable. The Planning Commission may recommend to the appropriate public authorities or private agencies programs for the development and improvement of the community, for the enactment of legislation pertaining thereto, for the building of public structures and improvements and for the financing thereof. The Commission may enter into agreement with other governmental or private agencies necessary or desirable for carrying forward any of its purposes subject to the approval of Council.
(Effective November 3, 1942)