§ 161.03 Landmarks Commission, Composition and Terms
   There is hereby created the Cleveland Landmarks Commission. The Commission shall consist of eleven (11) members, seven (7) of whom shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the confirmation of Council. The remaining members shall be the Commissioner of Architecture, or his or her designee, the Director of the City Planning Commission, or his or her designee, who shall act as Secretary of the Landmarks Commission and two (2) members appointed by the Council President to serve during the term of such Council. Members to be appointed by the Mayor shall be chosen from nominations made by the Western Reserve Historical Society, the Cleveland Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and the Early Settlers Association. At least one (1) member shall be an owner of commercial or industrial real property; at least one (1) member shall be a registered architect; at least one (1) member shall be a historian qualified in the field of historic preservation; at least one (1) member shall be a licensed real estate broker; at least one (1) member shall be an attorney; and all members shall have, to the highest extent practicable, a known interest in landmarks preservation.
   The terms of members appointed by the Mayor next after the expiration of the two (2) year terms of the members of the Commission existing on the effective date of this section shall be: two (2) members, two (2) year terms; and five (5) members, four (4) year terms. Thereafter, the terms of all members appointed by the Mayor shall be four (4) years. The terms of members appointed by the President of the Council shall be four (4) years. Members may be reappointed. Members appointed by the Council President shall be appointed for terms of four (4) years.
   The members shall select a Chairman and a Vice- Chairman to serve for two (2) year terms. The members shall serve without compensation.
(Ord. No. 3143-83. Passed 6-18-84, eff. 6-22-84)