§ 149.09 Credit on Fines
   (a)   A person confined in the workhouse under a sentence imposing a fine which he or she is unable or unwilling to pay shall receive credit upon such fine in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) per day of confinement until such fine is paid.
   (b)   This section shall be applied to persons confined in the workhouse for payment of fines on April 20, 1970, and the credit of ten dollars ($10.00) per day shall be calculated from the day upon which confinement began. Any person whose credit toward the payment of a fine is found to exceed that fine shall be immediately released. However, no person whose credit towards payment of a fine is calculated retroactively under the provisions of this section shall have a claim against the City for any excess credit heretofore earned.
(Ord. No. 286-70. Passed 4-20-70, eff. 4-22-70)