§ 698A.99 Penalty
   Whoever violates division (b) of Section 698A.01 is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on the first offense, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree on the second offense, and a misdemeanor of the second degree on the third and any subsequent offense.
(Ord. No. 961-08. Passed 7-2-08, eff. 7-7-08)
   Outdoor Ticket Sales Exclusion Zone and Permissive Ticket Sales Areas
   Beginning on the projected Northerly line of the South Roadway of Public Square at its intersection with the centerline of Ontario Street (ninety-nine (99) ft. wide); Southerly along the centerline of said Ontario Street to its intersection with the centerline of West Prospect Avenue (one hundred (100) ft. wide); thence Westerly along the centerline of said West Prospect Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of West 6 Street (seventy (70) ft. wide); thence Southerly along the centerline of said West 6 Street to its Southerly prolongation to its intersection with the centerline of Canal Road (width varies); thence Easterly and Southerly along the centerline of said Canal Road to the Southerly limited access line of the Innerbelt Freeway so called; thence Easterly along the Southerly limited access line of the said Innerbelt Freeway to its intersection with the centerline of East 14 Street (width varies); thence Northerly along the centerline of said East 14 Street and its Northerly prolongation to its intersection with the Northerly line of Euclid Avenue (ninety-nine (99) ft. wide); thence Westerly along the Northerly line of said Euclid Avenue to its intersection with the Easterly line of Public Square; thence Westerly in a direct line to the Northerly line of the South Roadway of said Public Square to the place of beginning excepting therefrom the two (2) permissive zones which are the Northerly sidewalk area of Huron Road between Ontario Street and East 4th Street and being ten (10) feet away from the crosswalks at Ontario Street and East 4th Street, and the Northerly sidewalk area of Huron Road (99 ft. wide) extending Easterly from East 9 Street (ninety-nine (99) ft. wide) about two hundred fifty (250) ft.