§ 691.15 Prohibited Practices
   No person shall cause or allow the following practices on any karting park:
   (a)   The operation of any ride, when any part of such ride is nearer than one hundred (100) feet to a public street or highway, or to an inhabited dwelling. If there is, within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any such ride, an inhabited dwelling, the music, whether made by organ whistle or bell, shall be permitted only during the hours from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. No person shall continue any such music beyond the hour of 9:00 p.m. or commence the same earlier than 2:00 p.m. At his or her discretion, the Director of Public Safety may grant a permit authorizing the continuance of such music during the hours therein prohibited nearer than one hundred fifty (150) feet to an inhabited dwelling and also permitting the operation of any of the rides hereinbefore described nearer than one hundred (100) feet to a public street or highway or to an inhabited dwelling. In either event, such permit shall be for not more than two (2) days in any calendar month;
   (b)   The operation of rides in competition, racing or cutting in and out of rides;
   (c)   The operation of rides by operators who are under the age of eight (8), or whom the management finds are unable to operate the ride safely;
   (d)   The operation of rides not owned by the management;
   (e)   The operation of rides when any snow or ice is on the track;
   (f)   The operation of any ride on the premises that is both over five (5) horsepower and exceeds the minimum horsepower of commercially available karts;
   (g)   The operation of rides by operators where safety helmets have not been made available to operators;
   (h)   The operation on the premises of any ride that is both over five (5) horsepower and exceeds the minimum horsepower commonly commercially available.
(Ord. No. 2276-A-84. Passed 10-7-85, eff. 10-8-85)