§ 683.06 Permit Required for Sound Devices or Sound Amplifying Devices Which Promote Commercial Activities
   (a)   No person shall play or use any drum, loudspeaker, radio, audio system or other instrument or sound amplifying device for the purpose of creating noise to attract attention to any performance or show or any sale or display of merchandise without first obtaining a permit therefor in accordance with Section 683.07.
   (b)   No owner, agent or operator of a commercial enterprise located within a permanent structure or building shall use, set up or operate a sound amplifying system which is deliberately directed and placed so as to be plainly audible outside the structure or building and which is used to transmit any type of music or message advertising products sold on the premises or inviting the public to patronize the establishment located on the premises without first obtaining a permit therefor in accordance with Section 683.07
(Ord. No. 2487-A-89. Passed 6-18-90, eff. 6-27-90)