§ 676B.04 General Regulations
   (a)   No garage or other residential personal property sales shall be permitted except between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., nor shall exceed more than four (4) consecutive days in duration.
   (b)   No more than three (3) garage or other residential personal property sales shall be conducted or permitted on or at a residential premises, as defined by Section 676B.01, during any year unless permitted by the Director of Public Safety or the Director’s designee after obtaining the approval of the City Councilmember for that ward.
   (c)   A garage or other residential personal property sale conducted or managed on or at a residential premises, whether directly or indirectly, by any person other than the owner, lessee, manager, occupant or agent thereof, of the premises where said sale is conducted shall be included for purposes of calculation of the number of garage or other residential property sales permitted under this section.
(Ord. No. 400-97. Passed 4-27-98, eff. 5-6-98)