§ 55 Action on Proposed Ordinance
   Upon receiving the proposed ordinance from the committee, the Council shall at once proceed to consider it and shall take final action thereon within thirty (30) days from the date of such committee report. If the Council rejects the proposed ordinance, or passes it in a form different from that set forth in the petition, the committee of the petitioners may require that it be submitted to a vote of the electors of the City in its original form, or that it be submitted to a vote of the electors of the City with any proposed change, addition or amendment, which was presented in writing either at a public hearing before the committee to which such proposed ordinance was referred, or during the consideration thereof by the Council.
(Effective November 8, 1994)
§ 56 Ordinance Form Certification after Council Action
   When an ordinance proposed by petition is to be submitted to a vote of the electors of the City the committee of the petitioners shall certify that fact and the proposed ordinance, in the form in which it is to be submitted to the Clerk of the Council within ten (10) days after the final action on such proposed ordinance by the Council.
(Effective November 8, 1994)
§ 57 Ordinance Certification and Submission for Vote
   Upon receipt of the certificate and certified copy of the proposed ordinance, the Clerk shall certify the fact to the Council at its next regular meeting. If an election is to be held not more than six months nor less than sixty (60) days after the receipt of the Clerks certificate by the Council, the proposed ordinance shall then be submitted to a vote of the electors of the City. If no election is to be held within the time aforesaid, the Council may provide for submitting the proposed ordinance to the electors of the City at a special election to be held not sooner than sixty days after the receipt of the Clerk’s certificate. If a supplemental petition, signed by five thousand (5,000) qualified electors, in addition to those who signed the original petition, be filed with the Clerk asking that the proposed ordinance be submitted to the voters at a time indicated in such petition, the Council shall provide for a special election at the time. The sufficiency of any such supplemental petition shall be determined, and it may be amended in the manner provided for original petitions for proposing ordinances to the Council. If no other provision be made as to the time of submitting a proposed ordinance to a vote of the electors of the City, it shall be submitted at the next election.
(Effective November 4, 2008)
§ 58 Repealing Ordinances
   Proposed ordinances for repealing any existing ordinance or ordinances in whole or in part may be submitted to the Council as provided in the preceding sections for initiating ordinances. Initiated ordinances adopted by the electors of the City shall be published and may be amended or repealed by the Council as in the case of other ordinances.
(Effective November 8, 1994)
§ 59 The Referendum
   No ordinance passed by the Council, unless it be an emergency measure, shall go into effect until thirty (30) days after its final passage by the Council. If at any time within said thirty (30) days, a petition signed by electors equal in number to ten percent (10%) of the total vote cast at the last preceding regular Municipal election of the City be filed with the Clerk of the Council requesting that the ordinance, or any specified part thereof, be repealed or submitted to a vote of the electors, it shall not become operative until the steps indicated herein have been taken. The petition shall be prepared and filed in the manner and form prescribed in the foregoing sections of this Charter for an initiative petition for an ordinance.
(Effective November 4, 2008)