§ 631.25 Permit for Temporary Use; Bond
   When the application provided for in Section 631.23 is for temporary use of a street, alley or other public way, by constructing, maintaining and using a railroad or switch track in, on or across the same for a period of not more than one (1) year, the Director of Public Service may issue a permit therefor, subject to such conditions and specifications in the interest of the public safety and convenience as he or she shall in each instance deem necessary. Each permit shall be subject to forfeiture or revocation at any time by the Director of Public Service, either by reason of any violation of its terms or of other considerations in the public interest. No permit shall be issued until the applicant has filed with the City a proper bond, signed by a surety company authorized to do business in the State, approved by the Director of Law, and conditioned to save the City harmless from any claims for damages to person or property by reason of the construction, maintenance or operation of such railroad or switch tracks, and indemnifying the City for any costs incurred by it in the maintenance of any part of the street, alley or other public way occupied by such railroad or switch tracks, and for the cost of restoring such street, alley or other public way to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Service, upon the termination of such permit, in such amount not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) as the Director of Public Service estimates and requires. The Director of Public Service may at any time increase the amount of the bond so required, and if such increase is not furnished within a reasonable time, he or she shall thereupon revoke such permit. Any permit granted for a period of less than one (1) year may be extended by the Director of Public Service for a period ending not more than one (1) year from its original issuance, without additional fees. Any temporary permit, the purposes of which have not been completed within one (1) year from its original issuance, may upon the payment by the applicant of fees as on the original application, be renewed once and no more, for an additional period of not more than one (1) year, by the Director of Public Service.
(Ord. No. 76084. Passed 11-23-26)