§ 557.07 Lot Prices
   Prices at which cemetery lots, or parts thereof, may be sold shall be fixed by the Commissioner of Park Maintenance and Properties, at the time of platting any cemetery or part of any cemetery hereinafter acquired by the City, or not previously platted. The prices so fixed for all the lots shown on any plat shall be included in a single schedule, which shall clearly identify each lot shown on the plat, and the price. No schedule or amendment thereto shall be valid until the approval of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Finance are endorsed thereon, and until it is filed as a public record in the office of the Commissioner. Whenever any prices so fixed are to be changed, it shall be done only by amending the schedule, or by adopting a new schedule, which shall supersede all prior schedules applicable to the plat.
(Ord. No. 957-11. Passed 10-24-11, eff. 10-26-11)