§ 501.03 Construction of Roads, Sewers, Pavements and Water Mains
   (a)   Where a thoroughfare is either a proposed street, alley, court, place or avenue, or an undedicated street, alley, court, place or avenue, the Director of Public Service may authorize the construction of a sewer or pavement therein, and the laying of water mains, provided the following conditions are complied with. A plan showing the arrangement of the lots and the connection of the street with existing thoroughfares must be furnished to the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction, together with a profile of the proposed street showing proposed grade, all of which must be of a character meeting the approval of the Director of Public Service. The plan for the sewer or pavement shall be made by the Commissioner and approved by the Director of Public Service. The City’s specifications shall govern all construction work and work shall be done under City supervision and inspection, provided that the laying of water mains shall be done by the City. The interested property owners shall make their own contracts for the construction of the sewer or pavement and pay directly all contractors or others furnishing material or doing work for the purpose of making the proposed improvement. The cost of City inspection shall be paid by the interested property owners, and at the time of the issuance of the permit hereinafter referred to, an amount of money estimated by the Commissioner for such purpose shall be deposited with the City Treasurer. The cost of installation of water mains shall be borne by the interested property owners and in the manner as otherwise provided by City ordinances and the regulations of the Department of Public Service, excepting as herein modified. A bond acceptable to the Director of Law, in an amount fixed by the Director of Public Service, but not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in any event, must be furnished to the City conditioned to indemnify and save it harmless from and on account of any damage, injury or loss resulting from the constructing of such sewer or pavement either to the City or to any other person or property of such character that the City is liable for, and further conditioned that the proposed or undedicated street, alley, court, place or avenue shall be dedicated within a time prescribed by the Director of Public Service and free and clear of all encumbrances. The bond shall also be conditioned upon the grading, draining and making of such other improvements as are requisite and prescribed in such streets where sewers and pavements are not to be installed in advance of dedication. In fixing the amount of the bond the Director of Public Service shall take into consideration and shall include full indemnity to the City for all of the matters hereinbefore set forth, and also the importance and value to the City of the proposed street in its relation to the surrounding streets and highways. Bond shall be given with some approved surety company to the satisfaction of the Director of Law. The bond shall be cancelled by the Director of Law upon the written statement of the Commissioner that the work has been satisfactorily completed, and upon the dedication of the thoroughfare in accordance with law and the provisions of this section.
   (b)   Upon application under this section the Director of Public Service, upon being satisfied that all of the foregoing requirements have been complied with, shall issue a permit authorizing the construction of such pavement, sewer or water main.
   (c)   All plats of dedication made in pursuance of the foregoing provisions shall be deposited with the Commissioner for record, the cost of recording the same to be paid by the owner and to be covered in his or her bond.
   (d)   Where it is necessary to open up unpaved streets accepted by or under the control of the City there shall be deposited with the City Treasurer an amount of money estimated by the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction sufficient to cover the cost of restoring the streets.
   (e)   The work shall be done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets and paid for out of such deposit.
   (f)   Any balances left in deposited funds after paying inspection or for the work of restoring the streets done by the City shall be returned to the person depositing the same upon a written statement from the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction that the work has been satisfactorily completed.
   (g)   Should it be desirable to build house connections to the curb at the time of constructing any street sewer hereunder, the same shall be permitted and permits issued therefor, provided that the work is done under the same inspection as the street sewer. Should only a limited number of such curb connections be made or should they be made at any other than at the time of the construction of the street sewer, special permits must be secured therefor.
   (h)   All necessary information regarding grades, arrangement of lots or surveys shall be furnished by the owner of the property to the Commissioner upon request. All necessary field engineering in connection with obtaining property line and grade of the improvement must be furnished by and at the expense of the interested property owners. The line and grade for sewers or pavements must be in conformity with the City system and copies of all notes must be furnished to the Commissioner upon demand.
   (i)   The center lines of all proposed streets, avenues, roads, etc., shall be accurately defined by stone monuments placed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner.
   (j)   Where pavements are laid a guaranty fund, as provided for in the City specifications shall be deposited as therein required and left fully in control of the City, so that any defects existing in the pavements before the expiration of the guaranty period may be fully provided for.