§ 501.01 Procedure for Public and Private Construction of Pavement or Sewer
   (a)   Where a thoroughfare is dedicated but not accepted, the abutting owners may secure a pavement or sewer, otherwise than by the ordinary method of legislation and assessment, provided that all of the owners of the taxable frontage petition for the improvement.
   (b)   The interested property owners may make their own contracts for the construction of the sewer or pavement, and pay direct all contractors or others furnishing material or doing work for the purpose of making the proposed improvement.
   (c)   The plan for the sewer or pavement shall be made by the Commissioner of Engineering and Construction and approved by the Director of Public Service. The City’s specifications shall in all respects govern all construction work, and the work shall be done under City supervision and inspection. The work shall be completed within the time fixed by the Commissioner and stated in the bonds to be furnished as hereinafter mentioned. Upon failure to complete the work in the time specified, the Director may proceed to complete the work in accordance with that part of the specifications relating to forfeiture of work due to improper work or delay.
   (d)   A deposit of ten percent (10%) of the cost of the work as estimated by the Commissioner shall be deposited with the City Treasurer in advance of beginning the work, and should it become necessary, so much of the deposit as may be required shall be used by the City in order that all of the requirements of the City’s specifications for the work can be properly complied with.
   (e)   The cost of City inspection shall be paid by the interested property owners, and an amount of money estimated by the Commissioner for such purpose shall be deposited in advance with the Treasurer.
   (f)   The Commissioner shall be furnished the necessary data required to prepare the plans for the improvement, and all engineering work necessary in connection with the construction work shall be furnished by the interested property owners.
   (g)   An approved surety company bond, acceptable to the Director of Law, in an amount fixed by the Director of Public Service, but not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in any event, must be furnished to the City, conditioned to indemnify and save it harmless from and on account of any damages, injury or loss, resulting from the construction of such sewer or pavement, either to the City, or to any other person or property, of such character that the City is liable for, and for the payment of all just and legal claims for labor performed upon, and for materials and machinery furnished for the work specified.
   (h)   Upon application provided for under this section, the Director of Public Service, upon being satisfied that all of the foregoing requirements have been complied with, shall issue a permit authorizing the construction of such sewer or pavement.
   (i)   Should the interested property owners not desire to make their own contracts, or should the thoroughfare be an accepted one, a resolution shall be passed by Council, authorizing the Director of Public Service to build the sewer or pavement in accordance with the plan prepared by the Commissioner. Following the passage of such resolution, the construction work shall be duly advertised and let according to law, and the work done as provided for in the specifications. An amount of money sufficient to cover the cost of the work, as estimated by the Commissioner, shall be deposited with the Treasurer in advance of the work.
   (j)   All engineering work and inspection necessary in connection with the construction work in accepted thoroughfares shall be done by the City, the same as though the regular proceedings for constructing sewers or payments by assessments had been followed.
   (k)   Any portion of the moneys deposited as herein provided and not expended, will after the completion of the work in accordance with the specifications, be returned to those depositing the same.