§ 129.296 Acceptance of Gifts or Awards
   (a)   The Director of Public Utilities is authorized to accept gifts, sponsorships or awards of money, property, or services, with or without limitations imposed by the donor or public or private entity, that may be accepted or donated for the use and benefit of the Department of Public Utilities and its customers directly or indirectly. The Director is authorized to file all papers and execute all documents necessary to receive gifts, sponsorships and/or awards of money, property or services; and that gifts, sponsorships and/or awards of money are appropriated for these purposes.
   (b)   That the Director of Public Utilities shall notify this Council, through its Clerk, and the Chair of the Utilities Committee of any funds accepted under the authority of this section, upon receipt of each award.
(Ord. No. 812-2024. Passed 10-28-24, eff. 10-30-24)
   Note: Section 2 of Ord. No. 812-2024 provides that this section shall expire and be of no further force and effect on December 31, 2029.