§ 413.02 Through Streets; Stop and Yield Right- of-Way Signs
   (a)   All State routes are hereby designated as through streets or highways, provided that stop signs, yield signs or traffic control signals shall be erected at all intersections with such through streets or highways by the Ohio Department of Transportation as to streets or highways under its jurisdiction and by the City as to streets or highways under its jurisdiction, except as otherwise provided in this section. Where two (2) or more state routes that are through streets or highways intersect and no traffic control signal is in operation, stop signs or yield signs shall be erected at one (1) or more entrances thereto, except as otherwise provided in this section.
   Whenever the Director of the Ohio Department of Transportation determines on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation that stop signs are necessary to stop traffic on a through highway for safe and efficient operation, nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent such installations. When circumstances warrant, the Director also may omit stop signs on roadways intersecting through highways under his or her jurisdiction. Before the Director either installs or removes a stop sign under this division, he or she shall give notice, in writing, of that proposed action to the City at least thirty (30) days before installing or removing the stop sign.
   (b)   Other streets or highways, or portions thereof, are hereby designated through streets or highways, if they are within the City, if they have a continuous length of more than one (1) mile between the limits of such street or highway or portion thereof, and if they have “stop” or “yield” signs or traffic control signals at the entrances of the majority of intersecting streets or highways. For purposes of this section, the limits of such street or highway or portion thereof, shall be a municipal corporation line, the physical terminus of the street or highway or any point on such street or highway at which vehicular traffic thereon is required by regulatory signs to stop or yield to traffic on the intersecting street, provided that in residence districts the City may by ordinance designate such street or highway, or portion thereof, not to be a through street or highway and thereafter the affected residence district shall be indicated by official traffic control devices. Where two (2) or more through streets or highways designated under this subsection (b) intersect and no traffic control signal is in operation, stop signs or yield signs shall be erected at one (1) or more entrances thereto by the City, except as otherwise provided in this section.
   (c)   Stop signs need not be erected at intersections so constructed as to permit traffic to safely enter a through street or highway without coming to a stop. Signs shall be erected at such intersections indicating that the operator of a vehicle shall yield the right-of- way to or merge with all traffic proceeding on the through street or highway.
   (d)   Council may designate additional through streets or highways whereupon the appropriate executive officers shall erect stop signs, yield signs or traffic control signals at all streets and highways intersecting such through streets or highways, or may designate any intersection as a stop or yield intersection and shall erect like signs at one (1) or more entrances to such intersection.
(RC 4511.65)
   (e)   The following are additional through streets or highways designated by Council:
   Bellaire Rd., from West 130th St. to Puritas Ave.;
   Berea Rd., from Detroit Ave. to Triskett Rd.;
   Carnegie Ave.;
   Columbus Rd.;
   East Blvd.;
   Fairhill Rd.;
   Fulton Rd.;
   Independence Rd.;
   Jennings Rd.;
   Lake Ave., from Detroit Ave. to Clifton Rd., and from West Blvd. to West 117th St.;
   Lee Rd.;
   Liberty Blvd.;
   Nottingham Rd., from East 185th St. to southerly City limits.;
   Scranton Rd.;
   Train Ave., from Scranton Rd. to West 47th St.;
   Triskett Rd., from West 117th St. to Lorain Ave.;
   Turney Rd.;
   West 117th St.;
   West Blvd.
(Ord. No. 91-96. Passed 3-18-96, eff. 3-26-96)