§ 3131.11 Approved Standards for Installations
   (a)   All installations coming under this chapter and OBBC shall be installed in conformity with the provisions of OBBC and this Building Code and accepted safe practice.
   (b)   Ventilating and exhaust systems installed for the purpose of removing toxic or noxious fumes, vapors or gases, or other fumes, vapors or gases which may be detrimental to health, or which may create a nuisance, shall also conform to the applicable rules and regulations of the Division of Air Pollution Control.
   (c)   Except as otherwise provided in OBBC and this Building Code, or in statutes, or in rules or regulations promulgated by authority of statute, or in other ordinances, conformity with NFiPA standard 90A entitled “Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilation Systems” and NFiPA standard 90B entitled “Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems, Residence Type” as listed in Section 3101.07 shall be accepted as conformity with accepted safe practice; provided that for one (1), two (2) and three (3) family dwellings the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals may change, modify or supplement any of the requirements of such standards when deemed necessary in the interest of public safety or to further define accepted safe practice.
   (d)   When deemed necessary for safety to life or property, the Commissioner may require compliance with NFiPA standards 90A and 90B.
§ 3131.12 Refrigerating and Heating Equipment
   Mechanical refrigeration shall be installed in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3139.
§ 3131.13 Incinerators
   (a)   Incinerators shall be installed in conformity with the provisions of OBBC and this Building Code and accepted safe practice.
   (b)   All incinerators, except incinerators of the domestic type installed in dwelling houses and not exceeding two and one-half (2-1/2) cubic feet combustion chamber volume, shall also be subject to the applicable rules and regulations, permits, inspections and approval of the Division of Air Pollution Control.
   (c)   Except as otherwise provided in OBBC and this Building Code, or in statutes, or in rules or regulations promulgated by authority of statute, or in other ordinances, conformity with NFiPA Standard 82 entitled “Incinerators, Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment” as listed in OAC 4101:2-46, shall be accepted as conformity with accepted safe practice; provided that for one (1), two (2) and three (3) family dwellings the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals may change, modify or supplement any of the requirements of NFiPA Standard 82 when deemed necessary in the interest of public safety or to further define accepted safe practice.
   (d)   When deemed necessary for safety to life or property, the Commissioner may require compliance with NFiPA Standard 82.
   (e)   Flue-fed incinerators shall be equipped with approved self-closing hoppers so constructed that the opening is closed off while the hopper is being charged, and so that no part of such hopper will project into the flue. The area of the hopper opening shall not exceed one-third (1/3) of the area of the flue.
   (f)   Incinerators and their waste material bins or containers shall be located in rooms or compartments enclosed with fire resistive walls or partitions, floor, and ceiling construction, or within fire resistive enclosures of heating equipment. The provisions of this subsection shall not, however, be interpreted to require that incinerators installed in dwelling houses or row houses, or domestic type incinerators not exceeding six (6) cubic feet combustion chamber volume installed in any building, be enclosed with fire resistive enclosures.
   (g)   Rooms containing Class C incinerators and their waste material bins or containers shall be constructed of Type 1A, 1B or 2A construction.
   (h)   Every incinerator installed after June 27, 1949 shall be of a type approved by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals.
   (i)   No incinerator shall be installed after June 27, 1949, which is not equipped and constructed so it can operate without producing objectionable quantities of smoke, and so that no objectionable material or obnoxious odors will be emitted from the chimney.
   (j)   No incinerator shall be approved which does not have approved provision for over-fire air to permit reasonably smokeless incineration of the contents irrespective of the depth of the charge, provided the charge is within the range of the rated capacity of the incinerator.
   (k)   No incinerator shall be approved which is not equipped or constructed so that incineration will proceed at a rate so that flue gas temperatures of not less than one thousand three hundred degrees Fahrenheit (1,300°F) are rapidly achieved and maintained, and so that carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons that cause obnoxious odors are consumed and not emitted from the chimney.
   (l)   No flue-fed incinerator shall be approved for installation unless it is deemed to have adequate capacity for the purpose intended. No flue-fed incinerator shall be installed in a Class A multiple dwelling unless such incinerator has a grate area of not less than one (1) square foot for each ten (10) persons served by such incinerator.
   (m)   Incinerators which are not flue-fed shall be constructed with internal baffles or turns so that fly ash and dust will settle out and not be emitted from the chimney.
   (n)   Exception.
      (1)   Domestic type incinerators which do not exceed six (6) cubic feet combustion chamber volume shall be required to conform to the provisions of this section only to the extent deemed necessary for safe and proper operation by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals.
      (2)   Any domestic type incinerator which has been approved by the Board may be installed, irrespective of the provisions and requirements of this section, provided the installation conforms to the prescribed conditions of approval.
   (o)   Incinerators constructed outside and independent of buildings or other structures shall be deemed to be separate structures and shall conform to the requirements of OBBC and this Building Code for medium temperature devices. No such incinerators shall be constructed or operated without the approval of the Commissioner of Building and Housing and the Commissioner of Air Pollution Control.
   (p)   Masonry incinerator chimneys shall conform to the applicable provisions of OBBC.
§ 3131.14 Ash Pits
   (a)   Ash pits and ash receptacles shall be of masonry, metal or other approved noncombustible material.
   (b)   Ash pits or rooms constructed for the storage or handling of large quantities of ashes within buildings or other structures shall be of Type 1A, 1B or 2A construction. Any doors provided shall be of metal in metal frames.
§ 3131.15 Underground Duct Systems Standard
   Except as otherwise provided in OBBC or this Building Code, statutes or rules or regulations promulgated by authorities, all underground duct systems shall be installed in accordance with Air Conditioning Contractors Association (ACCA) Standard Manual 4 “Perimeter Heating and Cooling”, as listed in Section 3101.07.