§ 3113.13 Projecting Signs
   (a)   Material.
      (1)   All projecting signs and their supports shall be of noncombustible material except that combustible material shall be permitted to the extent specified in OBBC and except that temporary signs may be of combustible material as specified in Section 3113.16.
      (2)   When any part of a pole sign projects beyond a street or alley line such sign shall be deemed to be a projecting sign and shall conform to the provisions of this section.
   (b)   Glass. Glass in projecting signs shall be used only to such extent and in such manner that no hazard will be created thereby, and then only if specifically approved by the Commissioner.
   (c)   Drawings Required. Every application for a permit to erect a projecting sign shall be accompanied with such drawings and data as the Commissioner may require to verify the safety of the proposed construction and compliance with OBBC and this Building Code.
(Ord. No. 2933-90. Passed 2-4-91, eff. 2-11-91)