§ 391.10 Sources of Electrical Energy
   (a)   The following sources of energy for electrically operated interior fire alarm systems shall be approved:
      (1)   Central station electric power;
      (2)   Two (2) or more electric power generating units;
      (3)   Two (2) or more sets of storage battery units;
      (4)   One (1) electric generator supplemented by storage battery equipment or other approved auxiliary equipment;
      (5)   Storage battery equipment under continuous charge from an approved trickle type charger.
   (b)   One (1) approved source of energy shall be connected to an electrically operated interior fire alarm system at all times. When an auxiliary source of energy is required, it shall be so arranged and controlled by an automatic switch that, when the primary source of energy fails, the secondary source will be automatically connected to the fire alarm signal system. No intermediate devices shall be connected between the fire alarm control board and the source of current supply unless specifically approved by the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals.
   (c)   Except as provided in subsection (e) hereof, when the energy for a fire alarm signal system is supplied by a central station electric power system, it shall be accepted as the sole source of supply. Connections to the service shall be made as close to the service entrance as practicable, but in any case on the street side of any main overcurrent protection device or service switch.
   (d)   Fire alarm cut-outs installed at power sources shall be enclosed in locked or sealed metal cabinets painted bright red and stenciled “INTERIOR FIRE ALARM.” Fuses shall be of the enclosed cartridge type, three (3) pole with neutral fuse replaced by a solid copper wire or other approved fuses. Screw plug fuses shall not be used.
   (e)   In buildings or parts of buildings of Institutional H Occupancy or Assembly Occupancy classification required under Chapter 3135 to have an auxiliary power source for emergency lighting or exitways, such source shall be utilized as an auxiliary source of energy for the interior fire alarm systems.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)