§ 111.072 Hiring of Professional Utility Consultants by City Council
   (a)   On behalf of City Council, the President of Council is hereby authorized to enter into contract with professional consultants to provide assistance to the members of Council in the investigation of utility related matters pertaining to the Divisions of Cleveland Public Power, Water, and Water Pollution Control, including but not limited to, utility rate increases, service efficiency issues, capital project performance, deregulation, and operational and financial assessments. The cost of said contracts shall be paid from Fund Nos. 52 SF 001, 54 SF 001, 58 SF 001 and such other funds deemed appropriate by the Director of Finance.
   (b)   That the Director of Public Utilities shall provide notice of future water and sewer rate increases by publishing such rate increases in the City Record at least six (6) months prior to the introduction of legislation approving said rate increases and, at the same time, by providing written notice of the proposed increases to all members of Council.
(Ord. No. 1071-98. Passed 6-8-98, eff. 6-16-98 without the signature of the Mayor)