§ 357.09 Required Interior Side Yards
   (a)   Where Required.
      (1)   Interior side yards conforming to the provisions of this section shall be provided and maintained along the interior side lot lines of all buildings or parts of buildings of Residential Occupancy or Institutional H Occupancy Classification irrespective of the use district in which they are located.
      (2)   Interior side yards conforming to the provisions of this Zoning Code shall be provided and maintained along the interior side lot lines of all main buildings in Residence Districts irrespective of the occupancy classification of the building.
   (b)   Width.
      (1)   Limited One-Family Districts. In a Limited One-Family District the minimum width of an interior side yard shall be five (5) feet and the aggregate width of side yards on the same premises shall be not less than twenty (20) feet. No building shall be erected less than twenty (20) feet from a main building on an adjoining lot within such District, nor less than ten (10) feet from a main building on an adjoining lot in other Residence Districts.
      (2)   Other Residence Districts.
Where applicable
Min. distance to property line
Aggregate width of side yards
Min. distance between main buildings on adjoining lots
Where applicable
Min. distance to property line
Aggregate width of side yards
Min. distance between main buildings on adjoining lots
A.   Limited One Family
Limited One Family District: 20'
Other Residence Districts: 10'
B.   One Family
1/2 height of main building or min. 10'
No requirement
C.   Two Family
D.   Multi-Family
One or Two
Family Building
Multi-Family Building
E.   All other Residence Districts
F.   All other Districts
Abutting a Residence District
No requirement
Abutting all other Districts
      (3)   Irregularly Shaped Lots. In the case of an irregular, triangular or segment-shaped lot, the required width of a required interior side yard shall be interpreted to mean the average width, provided that no such required interior side yard on any lot shall be less than three (3) feet in width at any point.
      (4)   Interior Side Yards Adjoining Alleys.
         A.   An alley line at the side of a lot shall be deemed to be an interior side lot line.
         B.   The half-width of an alley abutting and parallel to the side line of a lot may be considered as part of an interior side yard required on that side. However, in all cases a setback from the alley line of not less than three (3) feet shall be provided.
      (5)   Interior Side Yards Adjoining Nonconforming Side Yards. For a period of one (1) year from and after January 29, 1950, in Multi-Family Districts on any lot where the adjoining interior side yard of an existing building does not conform to the provisions of subsection (b)(2)C. hereof, the minimum width and area of the interior side yard on that side may be the average between the requirements specified in subsection (b)(2)C. hereof, and such existing adjoining side yard, but if such existing side yard is less in width than one-sixth (1/6) its building height (the ordinance requirement in effect prior to the passage of Ordinance No. 573-18) then the existing side yard shall be figured at one-sixth (1/6) the height of its building.
(Ord. No. 887-18. Passed 6-3-19, eff. 7-3-19)