(a) General Provisions. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the distance of the building line back from the side street line along the side street line of a corner lot in a Residence District or in a Local Retail Business District shall be not less than ten percent (10%) of the average width of such lot or five (5) feet, whichever is less, except that accessory buildings or uses shall be not less than ten (10) feet from such side street line.
(b) Rear Portions of Corner Lots.
(1) On the rear third of a corner lot in a Residence District or in a Local Retail Business District where the rear lot line abuts a Residence District, the building line shall be not less than ten (10) feet back from the side street line, except that in a Limited One-Family District or in a One-Family District where the rear lot line is also the side line of the lot in the rear or the boundary line of a rear alley, the building line on the rear third of the corner lot shall be not less than fifteen (15) feet back from the side street line.
(2) On the rear of a corner lot in any use district where the rear lot line of the corner lot is also the side line of the butt lot in the rear or the boundary line of an alley between them, and a setback building line is established for such butt lot, no building shall be erected nearer to the side street at the rear line of the corner lot than the setback building line of the butt lot; provided that for each foot the building on the corner lot sets in from the rear lot line or from the center of a rear alley, it may be set one (1) foot nearer to the side street line.
(Ord. No. 2204-A-48. Passed 12-19-49, eff. 1-29-50)