§ 354A.05 Lighting, Design and Noise
   (a)   Lighting. Wind turbines shall not be illuminated except as required by the Federal Aviation Administration or other applicable authority or by the provisions of Chapter 633 of these Codified Ordinances. The City Planning Commission may, however, approve lighting in other instances if it determines that the proposed lighting will enhance the appearance of the wind turbine and will not result in nuisances or hazards on nearby properties or streets. If lighting is required, a design that minimizes disturbances to nearby residences shall be utilized.
   (b)   Structural Design. Wind turbines shall be designed to meet all requirements of the Building Code of the City of Cleveland and all applicable state and federal regulations.
   (c)   Aesthetic Design. Wind turbines shall be designed in a manner that makes them as visually unobtrusive as possible, while meeting safety requirements. To this end, towers shall be monopole rather than lattice design, wherever feasible. With respect to color, wind turbines, shall be white or off-white or unpainted metal, unless other colors are required by federal regulations or the provisions of Chapter 633 or unless another color is approved by the City Planning Commission as being more effective or more appropriate in a particular instance.
   (d)   Signs. No signs shall be located on or around a wind turbine except for necessary warning signs or informational signs located at or near ground level. Such signs may include information of an educational nature or information identifying the manufacturer or installer of the wind turbine but shall not include any off-premise advertising or any advertising for businesses or other activities located on the premises. No more than two (2) permitted signs shall be located on or around each wind turbine. The total area of such signs shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet, except that no sign shall exceed four (4) square feet if located on a property in a Residential District, unless that property is occupied by a community facility use, in accordance with the regulations of Chapter 350. Free- standing signs shall not exceed a height of five (5) feet, and the setback of such signs shall be in accordance with the regulations of Chapter 350 for the zoning district in which the turbine is located.
   (e)   Noise. No wind turbine shall produce noise that violates the provisions of Section 605.10 by unreasonably disturbing the quiet, comfort or repose of neighboring inhabitants.
(Ord. No. 458-09. Passed 6-8-09, eff. 6-12-09)