§ 349.10 Planned Institutional Development Area
   (a)   The off-street parking requirements set forth in subsection (c) hereof shall apply to any one or combination of educational, religious, medical or eleemosynary institutions for which a comprehensive plan for the development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of existing or proposed facilities encompassed within a contiguous area has been approved by the Planning Commission as provided in subsection (b) hereof.
   (b)   Any such plan or amended plan as submitted to the Commission for its approval shall set forth in detail:
      (1)   The boundaries of the development area;
      (2)   The type and location of all existing and proposed principal land uses and buildings therein;
      (3)   The present and at least two (2) year projection of the number of employees, residents, visitors, enrollment, patients or other measures of persons likely to be accommodated in the development area;
      (4)   The present and at least two (2) year projection of the number of parking spaces owned or controlled by the party or parties to the plan jointly;
      (5)   Drawings showing present and two (2) year projection of the locations and general dimensions of all buildings, major pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems, parking facilities and major open areas; and
      (6)   Any proposal for the joint use and sharing of off-street parking facilities by parties to the plan, designating the location and capacity of the facilities to be shared and indicating the periods and extent of usage by each such party.
   Any plan or amended plan submitted to the Commission for its approval in accordance with the Charter which complies with the standards set forth in subsection (c) hereof shall be considered as having met the off-street parking requirements of the City. However, each such plan, when approved, shall be effective for at least a period of two (2) years, and a revised plan and current data in accordance with this subsection (b) shall he or she submitted to the Commission for reapproval in the same manner not later than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the expiration of the plan last approved by the Commission. So long as such an approved plan is in effect, and all subsequent construction or subsequent change of use of any building is substantially in accordance with the plan, the parties to such plan shall be deemed to be in compliance with all accessory off- street parking requirements of the zoning ordinances of the City.
   (c)   The Commission shall approve a development area parking plan that complies with the following standards:
Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
Required Off-Street Parking Spaces
Universities, colleges and other professional schools
1 for each 2
1 for each 4
   Dormitories, single undergraduate students
1 for each 25
   Fraternities or sororities, single students
1 for each 8
   Single graduate student housing, including graduate fraternities and sororities
1 for each 2
   Married student housing
1 for each dwelling unit
   Commuting students
1 for each 4
   Part-time students
1 for each 5
1 for each 10 full-time faculty members, but not less than 20 spaces
Hospitals and sanitariums
   Medical staff (M.D.)
1 for each 3
   Other employees
1 for each 4
   Visitors, including in-patient, out-patient, emergency and ambulatory
1 for each 3 daily visitors computed on yearly averages, or 1 for each 4 beds, whichever is greater
Places of worship
1 for each 6 seats in the main sanctuary
1 for each 4
1 for each 1,200 square feet of gross floor area
Institutions for children, the aged, and other medically oriented centers
1 for each 2 employees plus 1 for each 6 beds
Eleemosynary institutions and all other cultural organizations
1 for each 600 square feet of gross floor area.
   As used in this section, “gross floor area”, when applied to museums, eleemosynary institutions and all other cultural organizations, means such areas as are used or intended to be used by the public, including visitors, students and patrons, and excludes nonpublic areas such as may be used or intended to be used for staff, employees, storage, workshops, restrooms, toilets, utilities, management or maintenance. In applying such standards, the employment, enrollment, staff, visitors, buildings and other facilities specifically hereinabove listed of all parties to the plan, and only the parking spaces owned or controlled by one (1) or more of the parties to the plan, shall be taken into consideration. The plan may include such parking spaces owned or controlled by any party to the plan located in another contiguous municipality, provided the buildings and institutions of each such party located within such contiguous area in such other municipality are also included within the plan. In applying the above standards: all parties to the plan shall be considered as one (1) single unit; all parking spaces located within the planned area and owned or controlled by all parties to the plan shall be considered without the necessity of allocating any such spaces to any particular use, building or institution; consideration shall be given to shared use of parking spaces by the parties to the plan; all existing buildings of the parties to the plan located within the planned area shall be taken into account except when the required number of parking spaces for any institution in the plan has been determined by reference to enrollment, employees, staff, patients or visitors; and the Planning Commission shall also consider that it is the declared policy of the City to provide greater flexibility in the development of institutional lands through planned development, to locate such parking spaces to provide maximum convenience consistent with the need to protect pedestrian traffic and promote the efficient and safe movement of vehicular traffic, to recognize that an institutional parking space may accommodate more than one (1) vehicle during any given period of time, thus having a considerable rate of turnover, and to promote a more efficient allocation of land for buildings and open space by permitting the joint use of off-street parking spaces by all parties to such a plan.
(Ord. No. 1236-A-67. Passed 6-28-71, eff. 7-2-71)