§ 349.05 Location of Required Space
   (a)   The required accessory off-street parking facility shall be located on the same lot as the use for which it is provided or on a lot within four hundred (400) feet of the nearest boundary of the lot upon which the use is located measured by a straight line between the two (2) points; or, the Off-Street Parking Committee may determine that the building or use in question is served adequately by a Municipal or private parking facility. All such parking spaces shall be located behind the setback building line. No such parking space shall be located within ten (10) feet of any wall of a residential building or structure if such wall contains a ground floor opening designed to provide light or ventilation for such building or structure.
   (b)   The separate lot upon which such accessory parking facilities are provided shall be in the same ownership or control as the building or use to which the parking facilities are accessory.
   (c)   No required accessory off-street parking space shall be occupied by a pay telephone or any other structure.
(Ord. No. 1989-01. Passed 10-22-01, eff. 11-1-01 without the signature of the Mayor)