§ 334.15 Quality of Planning
   In order to be granted the flexibility permitted under the provisions of this chapter, a Site Plan submitted hereunder shall evidence a level of integrated planning and amenity exceeding the level that may be achieved under otherwise applicable regulations. Features contributing to this higher level of planning and amenity include, but are not limited to, the following:
   (a)   Siting of buildings and other facilities in greater harmony with the existing man-made and natural environments on the site and in its surroundings;
   (b)   Buffering of uses from incompatible nearby uses that is superior to that routinely required by City regulations;
   (c)   An amount or quality of landscaping superior to that normally required by City regulations;
   (d)   The amount, quality, and interconnectedness of public or common open space or of areas of public access to the lakefront, riverfront, and other areas of special amenity;
   (e)   Special accommodations for bus or rapid transit, such as weather-protected access from buildings to rapid transit or bus stations or stops:
   (f)   Unusually sensitive adaption of a by-passed infill parcel to the character of its environs;
   (g)   Enclosed, underground, depressed, or outstandingly landscaped parking areas;
   (h)   Varied building setbacks or other measures to reduce monotony in external appearance in multi- building developments;
   (i)   Superior provision in the planning of the site for public security and crime prevention;
   (j)   Architectural design meeting exceptionally high standards of quality and character; and
   (k)   Other features relating to the physical development planning of the property as determined by the City Planning Commission or City Council.
(Ord. No. 2093-93. Passed 11-29-93, eff. 12-7-93)