(A) Release of liability.
(1) Normally, the customer should be present when water service is turned on in order to avoid inadvertent water damage due to faucets being open, broken pipes, and the like. Appointments will be made for this purpose. If a customer or his authorized agent cannot be present, the customer may sign a form provided in the Utility Billing Office which releases the city from liability for any damages at the customer's service address as a result of turning on the water.
(2) The release of liability must be signed by the customer in whose name an account is being established. The customer is agreeing that he assumes responsibility for damages that may result when the water is turned on. The signer of the document must present identification, have his signature witnessed, and the document notarized.
(3) Under no circumstances will water be turned on unless the customer is present at the service address or has provided the city with the release of liability.
(B) Exception. If at the time water is turned on a leak is suspected, the water will be turned off again. The customer or his authorized agent bust be present when the water is turned on again and a $10 service fee will be required for the additional service call.
(Ord. 10-1993-36, passed 10-12-93)
(A) The Water Utilities Department shall have the right to temporarily discontinue, disconnect, and reconnect water supply without notice to all customers for the purposes of making repairs, connections, extensions, and cleaning of mains, machinery, reservoirs or any part of the water system. The Water Utilities Department shall have the right to temporarily disconnect service to a customer having a break on their private line should that break present a hazard to the general public. None of the terms of this chapter shall ever be construed as requiring the Water Utilities Department to maintain a specific constant pressure in its lines.
(B) All persons having devices such as, but not limited to, boilers or air conditioning equipment which utilize, employ, or make use of water in any manner whatsoever, which may become damaged due to interruption of water service, and which are supplied directly with city water, do so at their own risk. The city shall not be liable for any damage that may occur as a result of the water being cut off for any purpose, or as a result of the breaking of any pipe or fixture by pressure of the water from the city mains.
(Ord. 10-1993-36, passed 10-12-93)
(A) A reserve is hereby established, to be maintained by the Finance Department and separately maintained from the other Water and Wastewater Fund, to be designated the Water/Wastewater Rate Mitigation and Capital Improvement Trust Reserve (the Reserve).
(B) The Water/Wastewater Rate Mitigation and Capital Improvement Reserve shall be accounted for in the Water and Wastewater Fund.
(C) Contributions may vary from year to year when the Water and Wastewater Fund has produced a surplus after payment of all operation and maintenance expenses, debt service, and required contributions to reserves, if any. Contributions shall be added to such Fund per the above criteria.
(D) At the option of the City Council, other sources of surplus finds, if available, may be used to contribute to the Fund.
(E) Nothing in this section shall be construed to mean that any contribution to the Fund is mandatory, but such will be solely at the discretion of the City Council.
(Ord. 8-2002-53, passed 8-13-02)
(A) Withdrawals from the Fund require the authorization of the City Council. At the time of withdrawal, a plan to replenish the Fund over a reasonable time frame shall be adopted by the City Council. The plan may or may not include a rate increase, depending on the circumstances.
(B) Withdrawals from the Fund should be restricted to:
(1) Make up for a severe shortfall in funds where projected revenues are not met, typically because of unusually wet weather or other unexpected negative influence on revenue stream;
(2) Pay for catastrophic repair events of such magnitude that the cost of such would initiate an unplanned rate increase or a greater than planned rate increase (i.e. increases that would not have been needed if such event had not occurred);
(3) Smooth a sharp rate increase necessitated by sudden increase in an uncontrollable, ongoing expense; and/or
(4) To pay for capital improvement projects as necessary. At the time of any such withdrawal, a plan to raise rates over a reasonable time period to a level sufficient to cover the ongoing cost of the utility should be presented to the Council and adopted.
(C) Withdrawal from the Fund should not be allowed for the following reasons:
(1) To make any expenditure not clearly and directly for the operation, maintenance, or repair of the water or wastewater system, or to stabilize the rate structures thereof;
(2) To pay for expense made necessary as a result of growth, expansion, or enhancement of existing services or inflation; or
(3) For the addition of permanent personnel or equipment.
(Ord. 8-2002-53, passed 8-13-02)
(A) The intent and purpose of this subchapter is to provide an equitable charge for water and sewer mains as a proportionate distribution of the cost of water and sanitary sewer mains extensions to serve property in the city on a front foot basis.
(B) In case property or a tract of land is so situated or shaped that the front foot rule creates an inequitable basis as between it and other tracts of land in the city then in that event, the City Engineer shall determine the proper charges in accord with the intent and purpose of this subchapter.
(C) No person shall acquire any vested rights under the terms and provisions of this subchapter.
(Ord. passed 4-13-71) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) The Water Department of the city may extend water and sanitary sewer mains in the streets and alleys, or easements, within the city limits in order to permit connections by persons desiring and seeking water service and sanitary sewer service. A charge, which shall be known as the “pro rata,” shall be made against each lot or tract of land, and the owner thereof, whose water or sewer line shall be hereafter connected to any water mains or sewer mains in the city, and the charge shall be based on the following:
(1) Based upon the actual cost of installation to include all engineering and appurtenances as reflected in a bonded contract.
(2) One-half of the cost to be distributed to property on each side of the line or street.
(B) The above front foot rates shall apply to property fronting on streets in areas platted into the usual rectangular lots or tracts of land, with a depth of not to exceed 150 feet, where lots or tracts have a greater depth than 150 feet from the front street line, and are occupied or to be occupied exclusively as dwelling places, then the additional depth shall not be assessed. If the property is later subdivided, requiring an extension of mains to serve same, then the terms of this subchapter shall govern. On lots or tracts of land which extend through from one street to another with frontage on both streets, and where the distance between the street lines is 260 feet or more, then the pro rata charges herein provided shall be paid on both frontages when a connection is secured to the lot or tract. where lots or tracts are irregular in size or shape, then pro rata charges shall be based upon equivalent rectangular lots or tracts using one front foot for each 150 square feet of area, or the pro rata charges provided herein on the average frontage of such tracts, whichever is least.
(C) Where lots or tracts are intended to be used for business, commercial, or industrial purposes or have a depth greater than 150 feet from the front street line, then the pro rata herein provided shall be paid on the frontage on all streets which the property may abut minus 150 feet frontage for each corner of the property abutting a street intersection. Should the property be resubdivided whereby water and sewer mains extensions are required to serve same, the terms of this subchapter shall apply.
(D) In addition to the pro rata charge on water, the property owner must pay a connection charge as established by the city.
('68 Code, § 29-31) (Ord. passed 4-13-71; Am. Ord. 12-1976-57, passed 12-14-76; Am. Ord. 10-1980-34, passed 10-14-80; Am. Ord. 10-1984-43, passed 10-9-84; Am. Ord. 7-1996-41, passed 7-23-96)
(A) The city will install and maintain all house laterals from the city sewer mains to the nearest property or easement line, and all water service connections from the city water main to the nearest property or easement line. The city shall charge for the installation and maintenance of such sewer house laterals and water services a sum sufficient to cover the average cost thereof, plus the cost of the electronic water meter (meter will be the property of the city), which shall be charged at and on the following rates or basis:
(1) Sewer lateral connection charge.
4-inch | 6-inch | 8-inch | |
$860 | $895 | $920 | |
Boring (any TxDOT hwy or city street) | Job cost | Job cost | Job cost |
(2) Water service connection charge.
3/4-inch | 1-inch | 1-1/2-inch | 2-inch | Over 2-inch | |
$925 | $948 | $975 | $1,145 | Job cost | |
Meter | Meter cost | Meter cost | Meter cost | Meter cost | Meter cost |
Boring (any TxDOT hwy or city street) | Job cost | Job cost | Job cost | Job cost | Job cost |
Fire hydrant | Job cost | Job cost | Job cost | Job cost | Job cost |
(B) The property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of all service lines between the property or easement line and the house.
(‘68 Code, § 29-32) (Ord. passed 4-13-71; Am. Ord. 12-1976-57, passed 12-14-76; Am. Ord. 10-1980-34, passed 10-14-80; Am. Ord. 10-1984-43, passed 10-9-84; Am. Ord. 9-1986-42, passed 9-23-86; Am. Ord. 7-1996-41, passed 7-23-96; Am. Ord. 9-1999-86, passed 9-14-99; Am. Ord. 9-2000-40, passed 9-12-00; Am. Ord. 01-2005-08, passed 1-25-05; Am. Ord. 01-2007-06, passed 1-23-07; Am. Ord. 08-2018-62, passed 8-28-18) Penalty, see § 51.999