General Provisions
51.01 Definitions
Public Sewers; Use Required
51.10 Unlawful deposits
51.11 Prohibited discharges
51.12 Unlawful construction
51.13 Connection required
51.14 Waste discharges; use of approved connection required
Private Wastewater Disposal
51.20 Private treatment and disposal requirements
51.21 Public sewers; connection required when available
51.22 Operation and maintenance
51.23 Requirements
51.24 Additional requirements apply
Conditions of Service
51.30 Sewer maintenance
51.31 Customer connection requirements
51.32 Disruption of service
51.33 Service inspections
Building Sewer and Connections
51.40 Permits
51.41 Connection costs
51.42 Multiple buildings
51.43 Existing building sewers
51.44 Pipe materials
51.45 Pipe joints and connections
51.46 Pipe size and slope
51.47 Building sewer location
51.48 Low building sewers
51.49 Wye branch connection designation
51.50 Building sewer inspections
51.51 Protection and restoration
51.52 Capacity required
51.53 Pretreatment required
51.54 Grease, oil, and sand interceptors
County Regulations
51.70 Adopted by reference
51.99 Penalty