Except as otherwise expressly permitted by local, state and federal laws and regulations, and subject to obtaining all required permits and approvals from governmental agencies (including, without limitation, Clayton Township, Genesee County Drain Commission, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, and the U.S. EPA) and providing any required treatment, it shall be unlawful to discharge, or permit or cause to be discharged, either directly or indirectly:
   (A)   Polluted water, sewerage or wastewater to any natural outlet within the township, to any water of the state or waters of the United States, or to any public sewer; or
   (B)   Unpolluted water of any kind, including, without limitation, storm water, surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, artesian well water, drainage water (surface or subsurface), industrial non-contact cooling water, air-conditioning water, swimming pool water, or industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer. Unpolluted water may be discharged only to a sewer that is specifically designated as a combined sewer or storm sewer or to a natural outlet, and only if all applicable permits and approvals have first been obtained from the POTW and other governmental bodies or agencies and only if not prohibited by applicable local, state or federal laws or regulations. If any person drains any unpolluted water from his or her property by means of conductors, eaves troughs, roof downspouts or otherwise, into a combined sewer, storm sewer, or natural outlet in violation of applicable laws or regulations or without securing the prior approval of the POTW, or into a sanitary sewer, the POTW shall order its disconnection at the property owner’s expense, and if the property owner refuses to obey the order of the POTW, then the POTW shall disconnect the connection and the costs shall be charged to the property
(Ord. 432, passed 10-11-2007)  Penalty, see § 51.99