17-8-0500 Mandatory planned development thresholds.
   Planned development review and approval, in accordance with the procedures of Sec. 17-13-0600, is required for all of the following.
   17-8-0501 Air Rights. Planned development review and approval is required for the development of air rights above land used or proposed to be used for railroad, expressway, streets, or other public ways, or land otherwise devoted to public purposes.
   17-8-0502 Airports and Heliports. Planned development review and approval is required for the development of land for airports and land or air rights to be used for heliports, helistops or vertiports. Heliports, helistops or vertiports must meet the standards of Section 17-8-0913.
   17-8-0503 Non-Accessory Parking in the “D” Zoning Districts.
      17-8-0503-A Planned development review and approval is required for the creation, establishment or erection of all non-accessory parking facilities in the Central Area Parking District and any additions to or expansions of existing non-accessory parking facilities in the Central Area Parking District. (See also Sec. 17-4-0800)
      17-8-0503-B When a new or expanded non-accessory parking facility is proposed in the Central Area Parking District, the zoning administrator must provide written notice to the commissioner of business affairs and consumer protection and the corporation counsel for review and comment within 30 days of receipt of such proposal or application. Such notice shall include the address of the proposed non-accessory parking facility and the number of proposed parking spaces. The commissioner of business affairs and consumer protection and the corporation counsel, or their designees, must provide written acknowledgment of receipt of such notice and comments, if any, for inclusion in the record no more than 30 days following receipt of such notice, but in no event less than 10 days prior to the Chicago Plan Commission's hearing on the proposal or application. No zoning approval for any new or expanded non-accessory parking facility in the Central Area Parking District, and no license for any such new or expanded facility, shall be valid unless such notice was delivered and acknowledgment received.
      17-8-0503-C Planned development review and approval is required for the creation, establishment or erection of non-accessory parking facilities in “D” districts located outside the boundaries of the Central Area Parking District if such non-accessory parking facility contains 250 parking spaces or more. (See also Sec. 17-4-0800)
   17-8-0504 Hospitals, Colleges, Universities and Campus-Style Institutional Uses. Planned development review and approval is required for development of land to be used for hospitals, colleges, universities and similar campus-style institutional uses on sites with a net site area of 2 acres or more.
   17-8-0505 Religious Assembly, Community Centers and Similar Assembly Uses. Planned development review and approval is required for development of land to be used for religious assembly, community centers and similar public assembly uses on sites with a net site area of 2 acres or more.
   17-8-0506 Schools, Safety Services and Other Government Buildings. Planned development review and approval is required for development of land to be used for schools, safety services and other government buildings on sites with a net site area of 2 acres or more.
   17-8-0507 Power Plants, Water Plants and Wastewater Plants. Planned development review and approval is required for development of land for any power generation plant, water treatment or wastewater treatment plant.
   17-8-0508 Entertainment and Spectator Sports. Planned development review and approval is required for development of any entertainment and spectator sport use with a seating capacity of 1,000 or more persons.
   17-8-0509 Development Along Waterways.
      17-8-0509-A Planned development review and approval is required for the development of land for any building, structure, or parking area, when any portion of the land is located within 100 feet of any waterway, provided that the repair or rehabilitation of any portion of an existing building, structure or parking area is exempt from this requirement. Additionally, outside the area bounded by Chicago Avenue, Lake Michigan, Cermak Road and Halsted Street, the following are exempt from this mandatory PD threshold:
         1.   residential structures containing 3 or fewer dwelling units and structures that are accessory or additions thereto; and
         2.   other buildings, structures or parking areas that are accessory or an addition to an existing building, structure or use and are either 500 square feet or less in enclosed floor area or are set back a minimum of 30 feet from the top of the bank.
      17-8-0509-B The waterways subject to this provision include: Chicago River Main Branch, Chicago River North Branch and North Branch Canal, Chicago River South Branch and South Fork of the South Branch, North Shore Channel, Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, Calumet River and Lake Calumet, Little Calumet River, Grand Calumet River, Wolf Lake, and Des Plaines River.
   17-8-0510 Large Commercial Developments.
      17-8-0510-A Planned development review and approval is required in B and C zoning districts for any building to be occupied by any retail sales-related use with a gross floor area of 75,000 square feet or more. For purposes of this paragraph, “retail sales- related uses” include general retail sales; food and beverage retail sales; and other uses that are primarily involved in the sales of goods to the general public.
      17-8-0510-B Planned development review and approval is also required in B and C zoning districts for any commercial development with a net site area of 4 acres or more. For purposes of this paragraph, “commercial development” includes development intended to accommodate any use classified in the commercial use group.
      17-8-0510-C Planned development review and approval is required, in PMD B sub-districts for any building to be occupied by any non-accessory, retail sales-related use with a gross floor area of 60,000 square feet or more. For purposes of this paragraph, “retail sales-related uses” include general retail sales; food and beverage retail sales; and other uses that are primarily involved in the sales of goods to the general public.
      17-8-0510-D Planned development review and approval is also required PMD B sub-districts for any commercial development with a net site area of 2 acres or more. For purposes of this paragraph, “commercial development” includes development intended to accommodate any use classified in the commercial use group.
      17-8-0510-E Planned development review and approval is required for any casino use and such use may only be established in a DX zoning district.
   17-8-0511 Large Industrial Developments.
      17-8-0511-A Planned development review and approval is required for any industrial development on M-zoned land with a net site area of 5 acres or more if the subject site is located within 100 feet of any residential district. Otherwise, planned development review and approval is required only for industrial development on M-zoned land with a net site area of 10 acres or more.
      17-8-0511-B Planned development review and approval is required for any (a) windrow composting facility, (b) intensive manufacturing, production and industrial service use, (c) Class III, Class IVA, Class IVB and Class V recycling facility, (d) container storage, (e) freight terminal, (f) outdoor storage of raw material as a principal use, (g) waste-related use, or (h) manganese-bearing material operation use on C, M or PMD-zoned land with a net site area of 10 acres or more or if the subject site is located within 660 feet of any R, B, C or POS zoning district.
      17-8-0511-C Planned development review and approval is required for any warehousing, wholesaling, and freight movement use on C or PMD-zoned land with a net site area of 10 acres or more.
   17-8-0512 Tall Buildings. Planned development review and approval is required for any building that meets or exceeds the following height thresholds:
      17-8-0512-A Neighborhood Zoning Districts.
Zoning District
Height Threshold (feet)
(*See Sec. 17-3-0408-A)
      17-8-0512-B Downtown Zoning Districts.
Zoning District
Residential Building Height Threshold (feet)
Nonresidential Building Height Threshold (feet)
Zoning District
Residential Building Height Threshold (feet)
Nonresidential Building Height Threshold (feet)
D dash 3
D dash 5
D dash 7
D dash 10
   17-8-0513 Large Residential Developments. Planned development review and approval is required for any residential development that meets or exceeds the following land area or unit-count thresholds:
      17-8-0513-A Neighborhood Zoning Districts.
Zoning District
Detached Houses
Town- houses
Multi-Unit or Mixed Housing Types
Zoning District
Detached Houses
Town- houses
Multi-Unit or Mixed Housing Types
3 acres net site area
3 acres net site area
40 units
30 units
3 acres net site area
50 units
40 units
3 acres net site area
60 units
50 units
3 acres net site area
70 units
60 units
3 acres net site area
80 units
80 units
3 acres net site area
100 units
100 units
3 acres net site area
50 units
30 units
3 acres net site area
50 units
30 units
3 acres net site area
60 units
40 units
3 acres net site area
85 units
60 units
3 acres net site area
100 units
100 units
      17-8-0513-B Downtown Zoning Districts.
Zoning District
(Number of Dwelling Units)
Zoning District
(Number of Dwelling Units)
D dash 3
90 units
D dash 5
150 units
D dash 7
200 units
D dash 10
300 units
350 units
350 units
400 units
350 units
      17-8-0513-C Government-Assisted and Elderly Housing Developments. The unit-count thresholds of Sec. 17-8-0513-A and Sec. 17-8-0513-B are increased by 20% for government-assisted and elderly housing developments. An elderly housing development in the RM4.5 district, for example, must be reviewed and approved as a planned development if it contains 48 or more dwelling units.
   17-8-0514 Bonus Floor Area. Planned development review and approval is required for any development using floor area bonuses under Sec. 17-4-1000.
   17-8-0515 Expansions of Existing Development.
      17-8-0515-A If an approved planned development is proposed to be expanded or changed, the regulations of Sec. 17-13-0611 apply.
      17-8-0515-B Proposed expansions of any other existing development that will result in an increase in building height, lot area or number of dwelling units must be reviewed and approved in accordance with the planned development procedures of Sec. 17-13-0600 if the expanded development meets the threshold for a mandatory planned development.
      17-8-0515-C The mandatory PD requirement of the preceding paragraph (Sec. 17-8-0515-B) does not apply in the following cases:
         1.   the Zoning Administrator determines that the proposed expansion will not result in a significant increase in adverse impacts on the surrounding area, in terms of traffic congestion, incompatible building bulk or scale, or other measurable land-use impacts; or
         2.   the development involves only reuse of an existing building and the building's height is not being increased.
(Added Coun. J. 5-26-04, p. 25275; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44381; Amend Coun. J. 3-9-05, p. 44391; Amend Coun. J. 9-13-06, p. 84870, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 4-11-07, p. 103486, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-19-08, p. 47220, Art. VII, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-18-12, p. 19185, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 7-24-13, p. 58315, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 9-11-13, p. 60173, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 11-5-14, p. 96205, § 4; Amend Coun. J. 3-18-15, p. 105476, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 4-15-15, p. 106130, § 16; Amend Coun. J. 9-24-15, p. 7499, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 5-18-16, p. 24993, § 10; Amend Coun. J. 3-24-21, p. 29065, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 5-25-22, p. 48413, § 9)