(a) An ordinance designating a proposed enterprise zone may provide additional tax relief, regulatory relief or other benefits, in addition to that granted in this chapter, or may eliminate or modify any of the tax relief, regulatory relief or other benefits provided for in this chapter.
(b) After a proposed enterprise zone is declared an enterprise zone, additional tax relief, regulatory relief or other benefits may be added to such zone by amendment either to this chapter or the ordinance designating such zone as a proposed enterprise zone. The city council may also eliminate or repeal any tax relief, regulatory relief or other benefits in an enterprise zone and may alter the boundaries of the zone or alter the termination date of the zone, subject to the criteria and limitations stated in the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act, if the zone was declared an enterprise zone under that act, and/or subject to the criteria and limitations stated in any federal enterprise zone act, if the zone act was declared an enterprise zone under such an act.
(c) In determining the regulatory relief, tax relief or other incentives to be recommended to the city council for enterprise zones under Section 16-12-070, the zone administrator may recommend different regulatory relief, tax relief or other incentives for each zone depending on the needs of each zone and/or general regulatory relief, tax relief or other incentives for all proposed enterprise zones. The city council may, thereafter, provide in each proposed enterprise zone ordinance the specific regulatory relief, tax relief or other incentives that applies to that zone only and/or may provide for general regulatory relief, tax relief or other incentives either through an amendment to this chapter or an amendment to each proposed enterprise zone ordinance.
(Prior code § 201-9)
Businesses physically located in enterprise zones that qualify for revolving loans, industrial revenue bond loans and other preference programs offered by the city, shall be given preference by the city over similar qualifying businesses located outside an enterprise zone, in determining which business shall receive such loans or preference programs. Any loans or preference programs given to such qualifying business in an enterprise zone must be used for the development of that business within the zone or for the benefit of the enterprise zone.
(Prior code § 201-10)
The zone administrator shall work together with the responsible city, state and federal agencies to promote the coordination of other relevant programs, including, but not limited to, housing, community and economic development, small business, banking, financial assistance, and employment training which are carried on within the enterprise zone.
(Prior code § 201-11)
If any provision of this chapter or application thereof to any person or circumstance is held unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid application or provision, and to this end such invalid provision or invalid application of this chapter is severable, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 201-12)