Valves in Drawing-Off Pipes. All drawing-off pipes terminating inside of any building, shall have an automatically closing type shutoff valve or dead-man switch to control pump and an emergency valve at the point of discharge.
Valves for Aboveground Tanks Below Liquid Level. All aboveground tanks shall have a valve in the discharge pipe leading from such tank which shall be located within two feet of the tank, with no branches or outlets between the tank and valve. All inlet pipes shall have a tank valve and shall have a check valve immediately adjacent to the tank valve. Where a pair of valves are used in a pipe line aboveground, a relief valve or a relief bypass valve shall be provided in each line and discharge into the top of the tank or a properly installed underground tank. Relief valves shall be of sufficient size to prevent excessive pressure in the pipe line and in no case shall the relief valve be set at a higher pressure than the maximum working pressure of the pipe. Pipes leading into or out of a diked area shall have an additional valve within ten feet of the dike, except no valves will be required in aboveground pipe lines when such pipes are used for conserving vapor losses and piped to an expanding roof tank.
All valves shall have identification tags, stating the use of the valve and the material that is conveyed. Tags shall be of the stamped metal type and not less than one-fourth-inch lettering used. Tags shall be permanently fixed to the valve. All piping shall be labeled stating material conveyed or flammable liquid and its class. The direction of the normal flow shall be clearly shown.
Pipe Drain to Tanks. Where underground tanks are used, vent, fill, and suction lines shall pitch toward the tank without traps or pockets. Suction piping entering a building from an underground tank, shall be equipped with an approved antisyphon device when said pipe is installed below, or may fall below the highest level of the tank.
Pipes in Rooms Containing Open Flames. Pipes conveying Class I or II flammable liquid, shall not extend into or pass through any room which contains open light or fire, unless said pipes are of standard full weight wrought iron, steel or extra heavy wrought steel pipe (ASTM Schedule 80) are without threaded joints or connection.
(Prior code § 129.1-40)
Pumps delivering to or taking supply from an aboveground tank shall be provided with valves on both suction and discharge side of pumps. When a positive displacement pump is used, a relief valve of sufficient size shall be provided at the discharge side. The discharge of the relief valve shall be piped the same size as the relief valve to the suction size of the pump or return to the supply tank. Integral relief valves may be produced. Flammable liquid discharged by means of a centrifugal pump into an aboveground storage tank, shall be provided with a check valve immediately adjacent to the tank valve.
Any flammable liquid heater or pipe incorporating a heater shall be provided with a relief valve of sufficient size and so arranged to discharge to the supply tank, when any valve, pump, or other device will prevent the release of excessive pressure.
(Prior code § 129.1-41)
Filling Pipe. The end of the fill pipe for all flammable liquids storage tanks shall be carried to a location outside of all buildings and shall be more than five feet from any door or window or any other opening. The fill pipe shall be closed by a screw cap or fill cap and Class I flammable liquids shall be provided with locks and kept locked except during the filling operation. In buildings of Type IA construction where the tank for diesel oil is above the first floor the fill shall be in the same room as the tank.
Standard Filling Hose. All hose used for the transferring of flammable liquids shall be of the metal lined type, or of the type embodying wire wound within the fabric of the hose, and thoroughly bonded to the coupling connection at each end of the hose. Deliveries of flammable liquids of Class I and Class II shall be made directly to the storage tank through the fill pipe by means of a hose or pipe connected to the fill pipe in the barrel, container, tank, wagon or tank car from which such liquid is being drawn.
Pumps Required. Flammable liquids shall be drawn from tanks by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. listed pumps, which shall be equipped with controlling apparatus, and the piping system shall be so arranged as to control the quantity of discharge and to prevent leakage or discharge inside of the building by any derangement of the system. When located inside a building, the pump for Class I liquids, except fuel oil used for heating purposes, shall be located at grade level in a well ventilated place. Class II and III flammable liquid pumps may be below the ground floor but not installed in any pit or manhole and the dispensing of such liquid shall be on or above the ground floor in a well ventilated place.
Cross-Connections. No cross-connection of Class I flammable liquids shall be permitted with Classes II and III and there shall be separate pipelines and pumps maintained for Class I as distinguished from Classes II and III. However, this requirement shall not apply to occupancies containing flammable liquid processing operations wherein all pumps and electrical equipment are of the type approved for use in hazardous locations, as required by the electrical regulations of this Code.
(Prior code § 129.1-42)
ARTICLE V. PROCESSING (15-24-510 et seq.)
All rooms in which Class I flammable liquids are used in open vats, pans or other vessels, or in which any flammable liquids are heated or otherwise treated in such a manner as to produce flammable vapor, shall be ventilated as hereinafter provided. There shall be a vent opening in the wall at the floorline near each open receptacle and each heating device containing such liquid. Such vent openings shall have a net cross- sectional area of not less than 32 square inches and shall be protected with one-half-inch mesh No. 16 wire. When such vent openings are not located in the outside wall of the building or room, there shall be a noncombustible vent flue built into the wall or floor or securely fastened thereto and so arranged as not to be subject to mechanical injury. Such vent flue shall conduct to and pass through an exhaust fan, which shall run continuously while the room is in use, and which shall be sufficient capacity to change the air in the room completely in not more than five minutes. All discharge outlets of such vent flues shall be provided with noncorrodible wire screen and shall be so located that they are not nearer than ten feet vertically or five feet horizontally from any door or window opening.
(Prior code § 129.1-43)
Kettles, vats, saturators and other vessels used in manufacturing processes and which have a capacity of more than five gallons of flammable liquids shall not be located within five feet of combustible material, nor within five feet of any exit. All combustible floors within ten feet of such containers shall be protected with a noncombustible covering. All kettles and other open containers shall be provided with substantial covers arranged to close automatically by heat-actuated devices, or shall be provided with an alternative automatic fire extinguishing system in accordance with Chapter 14B-9.
(Prior code § 129.1-44; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 37)
(a) Except as otherwise provided in Section 15-24-540 or in subsection (b) of this section, all distilling and condensing plants classified as Group H occupancies shall have a clearance of not less than 300 feet in reference to any building or lot line.
(b) Buildings, or parts thereof, used to distill ethyl alcohol, either as a primary or auxiliary use, shall have either (1) a clearance of not less than 300 feet in reference to any building or lot line, or (2) at least a four-hour fire-resistive separation to all other uses and adjacent properties. In addition, all flammable liquid storage and any dust producing operations shall comply with all applicable city requirements.
(Prior code § 129.1-45; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. X, § 14; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. VI, § 38)
Nothing in the building provisions of this Code shall be construed prohibiting the use of flammable liquid reclaimers or recovery systems, the capacity of which is less than ten gallons per hour and which equipment shall not heat the liquid above 500 degrees Fahrenheit, and which shall have no open flame. Such devices shall be arranged so that all gasoline or kerosene and similar vapor which are removed from the oil, shall be condensed and collected in a closed vaportight container.
(Prior code § 129.1-46)