14X-5-504.9 Carbon monoxide alarms.
Carbon monoxide alarms must be provided in existing structures in accordance with Sections 14X-5-504.9.1 through 14X-5-504.9.3. Installation must be in accordance with Section 915.4 of the Chicago Building Code.
1.   Carbon monoxide alarms are allowed to be solely battery operated where the code that was in effect at the time of installation did not require hard-wired carbon monoxide detectors to be provided.
2.   A carbon monoxide detection system in accordance with Section 915.5 of the Chicago Building Code is an acceptable alternative to carbon monoxide alarms.
3.   A carbon monoxide alarm is not required by this section in any occupancy or at any location where a carbon monoxide alarm is not required by Section 915 of the Chicago Building Code.
14X-5-504.9.1 Dwelling units and sleeping units.
Carbon monoxide alarms must be provided in dwelling units and sleeping units, at locations specified in Section 915.2 of the Chicago Building Code, where:
1.   The unit contains a fuel-burning appliance.
2.   The unit contains a fuel-burning fireplace.
3.   The unit is served by a fuel-burning forced-air heating or cooling system.
4.   The unit is located in a building that contains a fuel-burning appliance or fuel-burning fireplace and there are openings or ductwork connecting the unit to the space containing the fuel-burning device.
5.   The unit has a door leading directly to a private garage.
6.   The unit is immediately above a private garage.
14X-5-504.9.2 Classrooms.
Carbon monoxide alarms must be provided in classrooms, at locations specified in Section 915.2 of the Chicago Building Code, where:
1.   The classroom contains a fuel-burning appliance.
2.   The classroom contains a fuel-burning fireplace.
3.   The classroom is served by a fuel-burning forced-air heating or cooling system.
4.   The classroom is located in a building that contains a fuel-burning appliance or fuel- burning fireplace and there are openings or ductwork connecting the classroom to the space containing the fuel-burning device.
5.   The classroom has a door leading directly to a private garage.
6.   The classroom is immediately above a private garage.
14X-5-504.9.3 Rooms containing fuel-burning heating units or water heaters.
A carbon monoxide alarm must be installed in every room that contains a fuel-burning heating unit or fuel- burning water heater, regardless of occupancy.
14X-5-504.10 Disabling required systems.
It is unlawful to disable or make inoperable any fire protection or life-safety system.
1.   Fire protection and life-safety systems and devices in occupied buildings may be disabled for the purpose of testing or maintenance if written notice is provided to all occupants in advance. Written notice must be provided to the fire code official if a required system or device will be disabled for more than 24 hours.
2.   Fire protection systems in unoccupied and vacant buildings may be disabled where approved by the fire code official.