* Editor’s note – Title 14P was added by Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. XV, § 1.
Ch. 14P-1 Scope and Purpose
14P-1-001 Interim Plumbing Code.
The provisions of the Municipal Code identified in Sections 14P-1-001.1.1 through 14P-1-001.1.11 are incorporated by reference into this title. The definitions in the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions shall not apply to these provisions of the Municipal Code that are incorporated by reference.
Editor’s note– Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. XV, § 1, numbered the following sections as 14P-1-001.1 through 14P-1-001.11; renumbered at the discretion of the editor. Future legislation will correct the numbering if needed.