14B-30-3007 Fire service access elevator.
The provisions of Section 3007 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise Section 3007.1, including its exception, to read:
"3007.1 General.
Where required by Section 403.6.1, every area of every story of the building shall be served by a fire service access elevator complying with Sections 3007.1, 3007.5, 3007.6.5, 3007.7, and 3007.8. Except as modified in this section, fire service access elevators shall be installed in accordance with this chapter and the Chicago Conveyance Device Code."
2.   Delete Section 3007.2 and its subsections.
3.   Delete Section 3007.3.
4.   Delete Section 3007.4.
5.   Delete Section 3007.5.2.
6.   Delete Section 3007.6 and its subsections except 3007.6.5.
7.   Revise the first sentence of Section 3007.6.5 to read:
"A pictorial symbol of a standardized design designating which elevators are fire service access elevators shall be installed on each side of the hoistway door frame."
7.1.   Delete Section 3007.7.
8.   Delete item 2 in Section 3007.8.
9.   Delete Section 3007.9 and its subsections.
(Amend Coun. J. 1-24-24, p. 8634, Art. IV, § 6)