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Chicago Overview
Municipal Code of Chicago
Chicago Zoning Ordinance and Land Use Ordinance
14B-2-201   General.
14B-2-202   Definitions.
14B-2-203   Measurements.
14B-2-201 General.
The provisions of Section 201 of IBC are not adopted. The following language is adopted as Section 201:
201.1 Definitions.
The definitions in Section 202 shall apply to italicized words throughout this code, except where specifically limited to a particular chapter or section. Unless the context requires otherwise, the definitions in Section 202 shall also apply to non-italicized words throughout this code.
201.2 Interchangeability.
Words used in the present tense include the future; words stated in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter; the singular number includes the plural and the plural includes the singular.
201.3 Words defined in other codes.
Where non-italicized words are not defined in this code and are defined in the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions, Chicago Conveyance Device Code, Chicago Electrical Code, Chicago Fire Prevention Code, Chicago Fuel Gas Code, Chicago Mechanical Code, Chicago Energy Conservation Code, Chicago Plumbing Code, Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code, or Chicago Minimum Requirements for Existing Buildings, such words shall have the meanings ascribed to them in those codes.
201.4 Words not defined.
Where italicized words are not defined in Section 202 or non-italicized words are not defined in Section 202 or any of the codes referenced in Section 201.3, such words shall have the meaning given in the latest edition of Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary as the context implies."
14B-2-202 Definitions.
The provisions of Section 202 of IBC are adopted by reference with the following modifications:
1.   Revise the definition of "accessible" to read:
"ACCESSIBLE. A site, building, facility or portion thereof that complies with Section 907.5.2.3, Chapters 10 and 11 and Appendix E."
2.   Revise the definition of "accessible means of egress" to read:
"ACCESSIBLE MEANS OF EGRESS. A continuous and unobstructed way of egress travel, from any accessible point in a building or facility to a public way, that complies with Section 1009."
3.   Revise the definition of "accessible route" to read:
"ACCESSIBLE ROUTE. A continuous, unobstructed path that complies with Chapter 11 connecting all accessible elements and spaces of a building or facility. Interior accessible routes may include corridors, floors, ramps, elevators, lifts, skywalks, tunnels and clear floor space at fixtures. Exterior accessible routes may include parking access aisles, curb ramps, crosswalks at vehicular ways, pedestrian walkways, ramps, and lifts."
4.   Revise the definition of "accreditation body" to read:
"ACCREDITATION BODY. A third-party organization that is independent of the grading and inspection agencies, and the lumber mills, and that initially accredits and subsequently monitors, on a continuing basis, the competency and performance of a grading or inspection agency related to carrying out specific tasks."
5.   Insert the following definitions:
"ADAPTABILITY or ADAPTABLE (for Chapter 11). The ability of certain building spaces and elements, such as cabinetry, countertops, sinks and grab bars, to be added or altered so as to accommodate the needs of individuals with different types or degrees of disability.
ADAPTABLE DWELLING UNIT (for Chapter 11). A dwelling unit constructed and equipped so it can be converted with minimal structural change for use by persons with different types or degrees of disability."
6.   Revise the definition of "addition" to read:
"ADDITION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
7.   Revise the definition of "adhered masonry veneer" to read:
"ADHERED MASONRY VENEER. Veneer secured and supported through the adhesion of a bonding material applied to a backing."
8.   Delete the definition of "adobe construction" (and related definitions).
9.   Revise the definition of "aerosol container" to read:
"AEROSOL CONTAINER. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
10.   Revise the definition of "aerosol product" to read:
"AEROSOL PRODUCT. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
11.   Insert the following definition:
"AFFORDABLE UNIT (for Chapter 11). A dwelling unit or sleeping unit required to be affordable, as that term is defined in Chapter 2-44 of the Municipal Code, pursuant to Chapter 2-44 of the Municipal Code, an agreement between the owner and the City, or an agreement between the owner and another governmental entity."
12.   Revise the definition of "alteration" to read:
"ALTERATION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
13.   Delete the definition of "anchor building."
14.   Revise the definition of "anchored masonry veneer" to read:
"ANCHORED MASONRY VENEER. Veneer secured with mechanical fasteners to a backing."
15.   Revise the definition of "approved" to read:
"APPROVED. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
16.   Revise the definition of "approved agency" to read:
"APPROVED AGENCY. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
17.   Delete the definition of "approved source."
18.   Revise the definition of "area, building" to read:
"AREA, BUILDING. See "Building area."
19.   Insert the following definition:
"ASSISTIVE LISTENING SYSTEM (ALS). An amplification system using transmitters, receivers and coupling devices to bypass the acoustical space between a sound source and a listener by means of induction loop, radio frequency, infrared or direct-wired equipment."
20.   Revise the definition of "atrium" to read:
"ATRIUM. A vertical space that is closed at the top connecting two or more stories in a Group I-2 or I-3 occupancy or three or more stories in any other occupancy. "
21.   Revise the definition of "attic" to read:
"ATTIC. The unfinished space between the ceiling framing of the highest story that contains occupiable space and the underside of the roof structure. An attic with a clear height of 81 inches (2057 mm) or more between the top of the ceiling framing and underside of the roof structure shall be considered an additional story."
22.   Revise the definition of "baled cotton" to read:
"BALED COTTON. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
23.   Revise the definition of "baled cotton, densely packed" to read:
"BALED COTTON, DENSELY PACKED. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
24.   Delete the definition of "base flood."
25.   Delete the definition of "base flood elevation."
26.   Delete the definition of "basement (for flood loads)."
27.   Revise the definition of "basement" to read:
"BASEMENT. A story that is not a story above grade plane."
28.   Insert the following definition:
"BED-AND-BREAKFAST ESTABLISHMENT. An entire owner-occupied building, with not more than four stories above grade plane, or an owner-occupied dwelling unit containing 11 or fewer guest rooms that are regularly made available for rent or for hire on a transient basis."
29.   Delete the definition of "boarding house."
30.   Revise the definition of "boiling point" to read:
"BOILING POINT. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
31.   Revise the definition of "building" to read:
"BUILDING. Any structure utilized or intended for supporting or sheltering any occupancy. Except for purposes of Chapter 11, a single structure may be divided into two or more buildings by fire walls."
32.   Revise the definition of "building area" to read:
"BUILDING AREA. The value determined in accordance with Section 203.4."
33.   Revise the definition of "building height" to read:
"BUILDING HEIGHT. The value determined in accordance with Section 203.3."
34.   Delete the definition of "building line."
35.   Revise the definition of "building official" to read:
"BUILDING OFFICIAL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
36.   Insert the following definition:
"BUILT ENVIRONMENT (for Chapter 11). Those parts of the physical environment which are designed, constructed or altered by people, including all public facilities and multi-story housing."
37.   Revise the definition of "capacitor energy storage system" to read:
"CAPACITOR ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
38.   Insert the following definition:
"CARPORT. A structure or portion of a structure that is open on at least two sides and in which not more than five motor vehicles used by the occupants of the building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept."
39.   Revise the definition of "ceiling limit" to read:
"CEILING LIMIT. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
40.   Revise the definition of "certificate of compliance" to read:
"CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. A certificate stating that materials and products meet specified standards or that work was done in compliance with permitted construction documents."
41.   Revise the definition of "change of occupancy" to read:
"CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
42.   Insert the following definitions:
"CHICAGO BUILDING CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO BUILDING REHABILITATION CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO CONSTRUCTION CODES. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO CONVEYANCE DEVICE CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO ELECTRICAL CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO FIRE PREVENTION CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO FUEL GAS CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO MECHANICAL CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO PLUMBING CODE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CHICAGO ZONING ORDINANCE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
43.   Delete the definition of "children’s play structure."
44.   Insert the following definitions:
"CIRCULATION PATH (for Chapter 11). An exterior or interior way of passage provided for pedestrian travel including but not limited to: pedestrian walkways, hallways, courtyards, elevators, platform lifts, ramps, stairways and landings.
CITY DATUM. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions.
CITY FIRE ALARM BOX. A device wired directly to the City’s emergency communications system and capable of transmitting an alarm signal."
45.   Delete the definition of "climate zone."
46.   Insert the following definition:
"CLOSED-CIRCUIT TELEPHONE (for Chapter 11). A telephone with a dedicated line such as a house phone, courtesy phone or phone that must be used to gain entry to a facility."
47.   Revise the definition of "closed system" to read:
"CLOSED SYSTEM. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
48.   Delete the definition of "coastal A zone."
49.   Delete the definition of "coastal high-hazard area."
50.   Revise the definition of "combustible dust" to read:
"COMBUSTIBLE DUST. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
51.   Revise the definition of "combustible fibers" to read:
"COMBUSTIBLE FIBERS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
52.   Revise the definition of "combustible liquid" to read:
"COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
53.   Revise the definition of "common path of egress travel" to read:
"COMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL. That portion of exit access travel distance measured from the most remote point of each room, area or space to that point where the occupants have separate and distinct access to two exits or exit access doorways or to an exterior exit door at the level of exit discharge."
54.   Insert the following definition:
"COMMON USE AREAS or COMMON AREAS (for Chapter 11). Areas, including interior and exterior rooms, spaces or elements, that are held out for use by all tenants and owners in public facilities and multi-story housing, including but not limited to: residents of an apartment building or condominium complex, occupants of an office building or the guests of such residents or occupants. Common use areas or common areas include but are not limited to lobbies, elevators, hallways, laundry rooms, swimming pools, storage rooms, recreation areas, parking garages, building offices, conference rooms, patios, restrooms, telephones, drinking fountains, restaurants, cafeterias, delicatessens and stores."
55.   Revise the definition of "compressed gas" to read:
"COMPRESSED GAS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
56.   Revise the definition of "construction documents" to read:
"CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions. Also see "permitted construction documents."
57.   Insert the following definition:
"CONVEYANCE DEVICE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Conveyance Device Code."
58.   Revise the definition of "corrosive" to read:
"CORROSIVE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
59.   Revise the definition of "court" to read:
"COURT. An open space on a lot, other than a yard or portion of a yard, that is unobstructed from its lowest level to the sky and bounded, in whole or part, by abutting property lines, exterior building walls or other enclosing devices.
Inner Court. A court other than an outer court.
Outer Court. A court with at least 30 feet (9144 mm) or 25 percent of its perimeter, whichever is less, abutting and open to a yard at least 3 feet (914 mm) in width or a public way at least 15 feet (4572 mm) in width. "
60.   Delete the definition of "covered mall building" (and related definitions).
61.   Revise the definition of "cryogenic fluid" to read:
"CRYOGENIC FLUID. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
62.   Insert the following definition:
"CURB RAMP (for Chapter 11). A ramp that cuts through or is built up to the curb. Curb ramps can be perpendicular or parallel, or a combination of perpendicular and parallel ramps."
63.   Revise the definition of "dangerous" to read:
"DANGEROUS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
64.   Revise the definition of "day box" to read:
"DAY BOX. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
65.   Insert the following definition:
"DECK. An open, unroofed and uncovered floor structure, other than an occupiable rooftop, designed or used for more than incidental occupancy, which may or may not include an exterior means of egress."
66.   Revise the definition of "decorative glass" to read:
"DECORATIVE GLAZING. A carved, leaded or Dalle glass or glazing material whose purpose is decorative or artistic, not functional; whose coloring, texture or other design qualities or components cannot be removed without destroying the glazing material and whose surface, or assembly into which it is incorporated, is divided into segments."
67.   Revise the definition of "deferred submittal" to read:
"DEFERRED SUBMITTAL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
68.   Revise the definition of "deflagration" to read:
"DEFLAGRATION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
69.   Delete the definition of "design flood."
70.   Delete the definition of "design flood elevation."
71.   Revise the definition of "detached building" to read:
"DETACHED BUILDING. A separate single-story building, without a basement or crawl space, used for the storage or use of hazardous materials and located an acceptable distance from all other structures."
72.   Revise the definition of "detonation" to read:
"DETONATION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
73.   Insert the following definition:
"DISABILITY (for Chapter 11). A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or a record or history of such an impairment; or regarded as having such an impairment."
74.   Revise the definition of "dormitory" to read:
"DORMITORY. A space in a building where group sleeping accommodations are provided in one room, or in a series of closely associated rooms, for persons not members of the same family group or household."
75.   Delete the definition of "dry floodproofing."
76.   Delete the definition of "dwelling."
77.   Insert the following definition:
"EAVE HEIGHT. The vertical distance from the ground surface adjacent to the building to the roof eave line at a particular wall. If the vertical distance varies along the wall, eave height shall be the average height."
78.   Insert the following definition:
"ELEMENT (for Chapter 11). An architectural, mechanical (including plumbing) or electrical component of a building, facility, space, site, or public right-of-way."
79.   Delete the definition of "emergency escape and rescue opening."
80.   Delete the definition of "emergency voice/alarm communications."
81.   Insert the following definition:
"EMERGENCY WARNING SYSTEM (for Chapter 11). A fire alarm or smoke or heat detector system used to activate audible and visual emergency alarms."
82.   Revise the definition of "employee work area" to read:
"EMPLOYEE WORK AREA. All or any portion of a space used only by employees and only for work. Corridors, toilet rooms, bathing rooms, locker rooms, kitchenettes and break rooms are not employee work areas."
83.   Insert the following definition:
"ENTRANCE (for Chapter 11). Any access point to a building or portion of a building or facility or multi-story housing used for entering. An entrance includes the approach pedestrian walkway, the vertical access leading to the entrance platform, the entrance platform itself, vestibule, if provided, the entry door or gate and the hardware of the entry door or gate."
84.   Insert the following definition:
"ENVIRONMENTAL BARRIER (for Chapter 11). An element or space of the built environment which limits accessibility to or use of the built environment by individuals with disabilities."
85.   Revise the definition of "exhausted enclosure" to read:
"EXHAUSTED ENCLOSURE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
86.   Insert the following definition:
"EXHIBITION AREA. A building, room or space used for temporary exhibition of goods, wares, merchandise or equipment other than a Group M occupancy."
87.   Revise the definition of "existing building" to read:
"EXISTING BUILDING. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
88.   Revise the definition of "existing structure" to read:
"EXISTING STRUCTURE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
89.   Revise the definition of "exit access" to read:
"EXIT ACCESS. That portion of a means of egress system that leads from any occupiable space to an exit."
90.   Revise the definition of "explosion" to read:
"EXPLOSION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
91.   Revise the definition of "explosive" to read:
"EXPLOSIVE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
92.   Insert the following definition:
"EXTERIOR BALCONY. An exterior floor structure, other than an occupiable rooftop, that is attached to the exterior wall of a building, with all means of egress requiring travel through the building, and that is open to the atmosphere on at least one side."
93.   Revise the definition of "facility" to read:
"FACILITY. All or any portion of buildings, structures, site improvements, elements and pedestrian or vehicular routes located on a site."
94.   Insert the following definition:
"FENCE. A structure, independent of other structures, forming a barrier at ground level between lots, between a lot and a public way or between portions of the same lot."
95.   Insert the following definition:
"FIRE ALARM BOX, CITY. See "City fire alarm box."
96.   Insert the following definition:
"FIRE CODE OFFICIAL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
97.   Revise the definition of "fire separation distance" to read:
"FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE. The horizontal distance measured from the building face or element to one of the following:
1.   The closest abutting property line.
2.   The far boundary of a public way adjoining the lot.
3.   An imaginary line between two buildings on the same lot.
The distance shall be measured at right angles from the face of a wall or edge of a building element."
98.   Revise the definition of "fire wall" to read:
"FIRE WALL. A fire-resistance-rated wall having protected openings, which restricts the spread of fire and extends continuously from the foundation to or through the roof. "
98.1   Revise the definition of "fireworks" to read:
"FIREWORKS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
99.   Revise the definition of "flammable gas" to read:
"FLAMMABLE GAS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
100.   Revise the definition of "flammable liquefied gas" to read:
"FLAMMABLE LIQUEFIED GAS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
101.   Revise the definition of "flammable liquid" to read:
"FLAMMABLE LIQUID. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
102.   Revise the definition of "flammable material" to read:
"FLAMMABLE MATERIAL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
103.   Revise the definition of "flammable solid" to read:
"FLAMMABLE SOLID. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
104.   Revise the definition of "flammable vapors or fumes" to read:
"FLAMMABLE VAPORS OR FUMES. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
105.   Revise the definition of "flash point" to read:
"FLASH POINT. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
106.   Delete the definition of "flood damage-resistant materials."
107.   Delete the definition of "flood, design."
108.   Delete the definition of "flood elevation, design."
109.   Delete the definition of "flood hazard area."
110.   Delete the definition of "flood hazard areas, special."
111.   Delete the definition of "flood insurance rate map (FIRM)."
112.   Delete the definition of "flood insurance study."
113.   Delete the definition of "floodway."
114.   Revise the definition of "floor area, gross" to read:
"FLOOR AREA, GROSS. The value determined in accordance with section 203.5.1."
115.   Revise the definition of "floor area, net" to read:
"FLOOR AREA, NET. The value determined in accordance with section 203.5.2."
116.   Delete the definition of "food court."
117.   Revise the definition of "foster care facilities" to read:
"FOSTER CARE FACILITIES. Facilities that provide care on a 24-hour basis to more than five children that are less than 3 years of age."
118.   Revise the definition of "gas cabinet" to read:
"GAS CABINET. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
119.   Revise the definition of "gaseous hydrogen system" to read:
"GASEOUS HYDROGEN SYSTEM. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
120.   Insert the following definition:
"GOVERNMENTAL UNIT. State agencies, as defined in the State Auditing Act, 30 ILCS 5/, circuit courts, units of local government and their officers, boards of election commissioners, public colleges and universities and school districts."
121.   Revise the definition of "grade plane" to read:
"GRADE PLANE. A reference plane established in accordance with Section 203.2."
122.   Insert the following definition:
"GROSS FLOOR AREA. See "Floor area, gross."
123.   Delete the definition of "gross leasable area."
124.   Revise the definition of "group home" to read:
"GROUP HOME. A facility for social rehabilitation, substance abuse or mental health problems that contains a group housing arrangement that provides custodial care but does not provide medical care."
125.   Revise the definition of "guest room" to read:
"GUEST ROOM. A room or suite of rooms used or intended to be used for rent or for hire by one or more guests for living or sleeping purposes and located within a dwelling unit or a sleeping unit."
126.   Revise the definition of "habitable space" to read:
"HABITABLE SPACE. A space in a building for recreation, working, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, incidental storage or utility spaces and similar areas are not considered habitable spaces."
127.   Revise the definition of "hazardous materials" to read:
"HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
128.   Revise the definition of "hazardous production material (HPM)" to read:
"HAZARDOUS PRODUCTION MATERIAL (HPM). As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
129.   Revise the definition of "health hazard" to read:
"HEALTH HAZARD. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
130.   Revise the definition of "height, building" to read:
"HEIGHT, BUILDING. See "Building height."
131.   Revise the definition of "highly toxic" to read:
"HIGHLY TOXIC. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
132.   Revise the definition of "high-rise building" to read:
"HIGH-RISE BUILDING. A building greater than 80 feet (24.4 m) in building height."
133.   Revise the definition of "historic buildings" to read:
"HISTORIC BUILDINGS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
134.   Insert the following definition:
"HOTEL. A building kept, used, maintained as, advertised or held out to the public to be an inn, hotel, motel, family hotel, apartment hotel, boarding house, lodging house, dormitory or other place where sleeping or rooming accommodations are furnished for hire or rent on a transient basis, either with or without meals, excluding bed-and-breakfast establishments."
135.   Insert the following definition:
"HOUSEHOLD. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance."
136.   Delete the definition of "hurricane-prone regions."
137.   Revise the definition of "hydrogen fuel rooms" to read:
"HYDROGEN FUEL GAS ROOM. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
138.   Insert the following definition:
"ILLINOIS ACCESSIBILITY CODE. Rules adopted by the State of Illinois pursuant to the Environmental Barriers Act, 410 ILCS 25."
139.   Revise the definition of "immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH)" to read:
"IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS TO LIFE AND HEALTH (IDLH). As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
140.   Revise the definition of "incompatible materials" to read:
"INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
141.   Revise the definition of "inert gas" to read:
"INERT GAS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
142.   Delete the definition of "jurisdiction."
143.   Delete the definition of "limit of moderate wave action."
144.   Revise the definition of "liquid" to read:
"LIQUID. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
145.   Revise the definition of "live/work unit" to read:
"LIVE/WORK UNIT. A dwelling unit in which a significant portion of the space includes a nonresidential use that is operated by a resident."
146.   Revise the definition of "lodging house" to read:
"LODGING HOUSE. A building with not more than four stories above grade plane or a dwelling unit where one or more occupant is primarily permanent in nature and rent is paid for guest rooms."
147.   Insert the following definition:
"LOFT. A floor level located above the main floor level within a dwelling unit or sleeping unit, open to the main floor on at least one side and used as a living or sleeping space."
148.   Revise the definition of "lot" to read:
"LOT. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Lot of record. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Zoning lot. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance."
149.   Revise the definition of "lot line" to read:
"LOT LINE. See "Property line."
150.   Insert the following definition:
"LOT OF RECORD. See "Lot."
151.   Revise the definition of "lower flammable limit (LFL)" to read:
"LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT (LFL). As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
152.   Delete the definition of "lowest floor."
153.   Insert the following definition:
"LOW-SLOPED ROOF. A roof with a slope of less than two units vertical in 12 units horizontal (17 percent slope)."
154.   Insert the following definition:
"MAILBOXES (for Chapter 11). Receptacles for the receipt of documents, packages or other deliverable matter. Mailboxes include, but are not limited to, post office boxes and receptacles provided by commercial mail- receiving agencies, apartment facilities or schools."
155.   Delete the definition of "mall building, covered" and "mall building, open."
156.   Insert the following definition:
"MARKED CROSSING (for Chapter 11). A crosswalk or other identified path intended for pedestrian use in crossing a vehicular way."
157.   Revise the definition of "means of egress" to read:
"MEANS OF EGRESS. A continuous and unobstructed path of vertical and horizontal egress travel from any occupiable space in a building or structure to a public way. A means of egress consists of three separate and distinct parts: the exit access, the exit and the exit discharge."
158.   Insert the following definition:
"MEANS OF EGRESS (for Chapter 11). A continuous and unobstructed way of egress travel from any point in a building or facility that provides an accessible route to an area of refuge, a horizontal exit, or a public way."
159.   Insert the following definition:
"MEAN ROOF HEIGHT. The average of the eave height and the vertical distance from grade plane to the highest point for the highest roof surface, except that for roof slopes of less than 10 percent, the mean roof height is permitted to be taken as the eave height."
160.   Insert the following definition:
"MULTI-STORY HOUSING (for Chapter 11). Any building of four or more stories containing ten or more dwelling units or sleeping units constructed to be held out for sale or lease by any person to the public. Multi-story housing includes, but is not limited to, the following building types: apartment buildings, condominium buildings, convents, housing for the elderly and monasteries."
161.   Insert the following definition:
"NET FLOOR AREA. See "Floor area, net."
162.   Insert the following definition:
"OCCUPIABLE ROOFTOP. An exterior floor structure or walking surface, intended for human occupancy, other than occasional use by maintenance and service personnel, that is installed above a roof deck. "
163.   Revise the definition of "occupiable space" to read:
"OCCUPIABLE SPACE. A room or enclosed space intended for human occupancy in which individuals reside; congregate for amusement, education or similar purposes; or are engaged at labor, and which is required to be equipped with means of egress and light and ventilation facilities by this code. All habitable spaces are occupiable spaces. A space which is only required by this code to be provided with means of access by maintenance and service personnel is not an occupiable space."
164.   Revise the definition of "open system" to read:
"OPEN SYSTEM. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
165.   Revise the definition of "operating building" to read:
"OPERATING BUILDING. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
166.   Revise the definition of "organic peroxide" to read:
"ORGANIC PEROXIDE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
167.   Revise the definition of "owner" to read:
"OWNER. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
168.   Revise the definition of "oxidizer" to read:
"OXIDIZER. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
169.   Revise the definition of "oxidizing gas" to read:
"OXIDIZING GAS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
170.   Insert the following definition:
"PARKING FACILITY (except for Chapter 11). A multi-level structure in which each level is used primarily for the purpose of storing private motor vehicles, and which does not necessarily have enclosing walls."
171.   Revise the definition of "penthouse" to read:
"PENTHOUSE. An enclosed, rooftop structure used for sheltering mechanical and electrical equipment, tanks, elevators and related machinery, and vertical shaft openings."
172.   Revise the definition of "permit" to read:
"PERMIT. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
172.1.   Insert the following definition
"PERMITTED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
173.   Revise the definition of "person" to read:
"PERSON. As defined in Section 1-4-090 of the Municipal Code."
174.   Revise the definition of "physical hazard" to read:
"PHYSICAL HAZARD. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
175.   Revise the definition of "physiological warning threshold level" to read:
"PHYSIOLOGICAL WARNING THRESHOLD LEVEL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
176.   Insert the following definition:
"PLANNED DEVELOPMENT. A lot subject to zoning regulations in accordance with Chapter 17-8 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance."
177.   Revise the definition of "platform" to read:
"PLATFORM. A raised area used for worship; the presentation of music, plays or other entertainment; the head table for special guests; the raised area for lecturers and speakers; boxing and wrestling rings; theater-in-the- round; and similar purposes wherein, other than horizontal sliding curtains, there are no overhead hanging curtains, drops, scenery or theatrical effects other than lighting and sound."
178.   Delete the definition of "polypropylene siding."
179.   Insert the following definition:
"PORCH. An unheated roofed or covered structure, containing a stairway used for ingress and egress and additional floor space, that is separated from heated areas of the building by a fire-resistance rated exterior wall and unprotected openings.
Open porch. A porch that is open to the atmosphere on at least one side.
Enclosed porch. Any porch other than an open porch."
180.   Delete the definition of "prestressed masonry."
180.1.   Revise the definition of "primary structural frame" by adding Item 5 to read:
"5.   Bearing walls in light-frame construction."
181.   Revise the definition of "private garage" to read:
"PRIVATE GARAGE. A building or portion of a building in which not more than five motor vehicles used by the occupants of the building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept, without provisions for repairing or servicing such vehicles for profit, inclusive of any attached enclosed walkway."
182.   Insert the following definition:
"PROPERTY LINE. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Abutting property line. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Front property line. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Rear property line. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Side property line. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance."
183.   Insert the following definition:
"PUBLIC (for Chapter 11). Any group of people who are users of the building or employees of the building. The term "public" does not include those people who are employed by the owner of a building for the sole purpose of construction or alteration of a building during the time in which the building is being constructed or altered."
184.   Insert the following definitions:
"PUBLIC FACILITY (for Chapter 11). A public facility includes any of the following:
1.   Any building, structure or site improvement which is: owned by or on behalf of a governmental unit; leased, rented or used in whole or in part, by a governmental unit; or financed, in whole or in part, by a grant or a loan made or guaranteed by a governmental unit.
2.   Any building or structure or site improvement used or held out for use or intended for use by the public or by employees for one or more of, but not limited to, the following: the purpose of gathering, recreation, transient lodging, education, employment, institutional care, or the purchase, rental, sale or acquisition of any goods, personal property or services; places of public display or collection; social service establishments; and stations used for specified public transportation.
3.   A public right-of-way.
PUBLICLY-OWNED BUILDING (for Chapter 11). Any building or facility owned by the State of Illinois or any governmental unit.
PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY (for Chapter 11). Public land or property, usually in interconnected corridors, that is acquired for or dedicated to transportation purposes."
185.   Revise the definition of "public way" to read:
"PUBLIC WAY. As defined in Chapter 17-17 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance."
186.   Revise the definition of "public-use areas" to read:
"PUBLIC-USE AREAS. Interior or exterior rooms or spaces that are made available to the general public. Employee work areas are not public-use areas."
187.   Revise the definition of "pyrophoric" to read:
"PYROPHORIC. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
188.   Revise the definition of "pyrotechnic composition" to read:
"PYROTECHNIC COMPOSITION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
189.   Delete the definition of "record drawings."
190.   Revise the definition of "registered design professional" to read:
"REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
191.   Revise the definition of "registered design professional in responsible charge" to read:
"REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
192.   Insert the following definition:
"REGISTERED GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
193.   Delete the definition of "religious worship, place of."
194.   Revise the definition of "repair" to read:
"REPAIR. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
195.   Revise the definition of "reroofing" to read:
"REROOFING. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
196.   Delete the definition of "residential aircraft hangar."
197.   Revise the definition of "restricted entrance" to read:
"RESTRICTED ENTRANCE. An entrance that is made available for common use on a controlled basis, but not public use, and that is not a service entrance. Such entrances shall include, but are not limited to, employee- only entrances."
198.   Revise the definition of "roof recover" to read:
"ROOF RECOVER. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
199.   Revise the definition of "roof repair" to read:
"ROOF REPAIR. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
200.   Revise the definition of "roof replacement" to read:
"ROOF REPLACEMENT. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
201.   Insert the following definition:
"ROOFTOP, OCCUPIABLE. See "Occupiable rooftop."
202.   Insert the following definition:
"SCAFFOLDING. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
203.   Delete the definition of "self-luminous."
204.   Revise the definition of "service entrance" to read:
"SERVICE ENTRANCE. An entrance intended primarily for delivery of goods or services."
205.   Revise the definition of "site" to read:
"SITE. A lot or a designated portion of a public way."
206.   Revise the definition of "sleeping unit" to read:
"SLEEPING UNIT. A single unit that provides rooms or spaces for one or more persons, includes permanent provisions for sleeping and can include provisions for living, eating and either sanitation or kitchen facilities but not both. Such rooms and spaces that are part of a dwelling unit occupied by a single household are not sleeping units."
207.   Delete the definition of "soft contained play equipment structure."
208.   Revise the definition of "solid" to read:
"SOLID. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
209.   Insert the following definition:
"SPACE (for Chapter 11). A definable area, such as a room, toilet room, hall, assembly area, entrance, storage room, alcove, courtyard or lobby."
210.   Delete the definition of "special flood hazard area."
211.   Revise the definition of "special inspection" to read:
"SPECIAL INSPECTION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
212.   Revise the definition of "special inspector" to read:
"SPECIAL INSPECTOR. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
213.   Revise the definition of "specified compressive strength of masonry" to read:
"SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF MASONRY, f'm. Minimum compressive strength, expressed as force per unit of net cross-sectional area, required of the masonry used in construction by the permitted construction documents, and upon which the project design is based. Whenever the quantity f'm is under the radical sign, the square root of numerical value only is intended and the result has units of pounds per square inch (psi) (MPa)."
214.   Revise the definition of "spray room" to read:
"SPRAY ROOM. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
215.   Revise the definition of "stage" to read:
"STAGE. A space utilized for entertainment or presentations, which includes overhead hanging curtains, drops, scenery or theatrical effects other than lighting and sound."
216.   Revise the definition of "start of construction" to read:
"START OF CONSTRUCTION. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
217.   Delete the definition of "storm shelter" (and related definitions).
218.   Revise the definition of "story" to read:
"STORY. That portion of a building included between the upper surface of a floor and the upper surface of the floor or roof next above (see "Attic," "Basement," "Building height," "Grade plane," "Loft" and "Mezzanine").
For purposes of Chapters 16 and 23, a story is measured as the vertical distance from top to top of two successive tiers of beams or finished floor surfaces and, for the topmost story, from the top of the floor finish to the top of the ceiling joists or, where there is not a ceiling, to the top of the roof rafters."
219.   Revise the definition of "story above grade plane" to read:
"STORY ABOVE GRADE PLANE. Any story having its finished floor surface entirely above grade plane, or in which the finished surface of the floor next above is:
1.   More than 6 feet (1829 mm) above grade plane; or
2.   More than 12 feet (3658 mm) above the adjacent finished ground level at any point."
220.   Revise the definition of "structural observation" to read:
"STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION. The visual observation of the structural system by a registered design professional for general conformance to the permitted construction documents."
221.   Revise the definition of "substantial damage" to read:
"SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
222.   Revise the definition of "substantial improvement" to read:
"SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Building Rehabilitation Code."
223.   Insert the following definition:
"TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT AREA. An area or enclosed room within a building where electronic equipment used for the transmission of audio, video and data, power equipment (e.g., dc converters, inverters and batteries), technical support equipment (e.g., computers) and conductors dedicated solely to the operation of the equipment are located, including support rooms served by the same ventilation system."
223.1.   Insert the following definition:
"TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. A building or portion of a building that primarily houses communications switching equipment and that is owned or operated by a person whose primary business is the providing of communication services other than radio or television."
224.   Insert the following definition:
"TEMPORARY. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Construction Codes Administrative Provisions."
225.   Insert the following definition:
"TEMPORARY (for Chapter 11). A building or element of a building which is not permanent and is designed to be used only for a short period of time for some special purpose. Temporary buildings or facilities include, but are not limited to, reviewing stands, temporary classrooms, bleacher areas, stages, platforms and daises, fixed furniture systems, wall systems, exhibit areas, temporary banking facilities and temporary health screening facilities."
226.   Insert the following definition:
"TEMPORARY OVERNIGHT SHELTER. A building, or portion thereof, in which sleeping accommodations are provided for no more than 12 hours per day, for three or more individuals who are not related to the owner, operator, manager or other occupants by blood or by marriage, without provisions for medical care."
227.   Revise the definition of "tires, bulk storage of" to read:
"TIRES, BULK STORAGE OF. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
228.   Revise the definition of "townhouse" to read:
"TOWNHOUSE. A dwelling unit constructed in a group of four or more attached dwelling units in which each dwelling unit extends from the foundation or a horizontal assembly with a fire-resistance rating of not less than 4 hours to the roof and with a public way, yard or outer court on at least two sides."
229.   Revise the definition of "toxic" to read:
"TOXIC. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
230.   Delete the definition of "tsunami design geodatabase."
231.   Delete the definition of "tsunami design zone."
232.   Insert the following definition:
"TYPE C UNIT. A dwelling unit designed and constructed for limited accessibility in accordance with this code and the provisions for Type C units (visitable units) in ICC A117.1."
233.   Revise the definition of "unstable (reactive) material" to read:
"UNSTABLE (REACTIVE) MATERIAL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
234.   Revise the definition of "use (material)" to read:
"USE (MATERIAL). As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
235.   Insert the following definition:
"VEHICULAR WAY (for Chapter 11). A route provided for vehicular traffic, such as a street, driveway or parking facility."
236.   Revise the definition of "water-reactive material" to read:
"WATER-REACTIVE MATERIAL. As defined in Chapter 2 of the Chicago Fire Prevention Code."
237.   Delete the definition of "windborne debris region."
238.   Insert the following definition:
"WORK-AREA EQUIPMENT. Any machine, instrument, engine, motor, pump, conveyor or other apparatus used to perform work. This term shall only apply to equipment that is permanently installed or built-in in employee work areas. Work-area equipment does not include passenger elevators and other accessible means of vertical transportation."
239.   Revise the definition of "yard" to read:
"YARD. A four-sided open space that is unobstructed from the ground to the sky, with at least one side abutting and open to a public way at least 15 feet (4572 mm) in width, at least one side being at least 75 percent of a property line for the lot on which the building is situated and, except as specifically allowed by this code, on the same lot on which the building is situated."
240.   Insert the following definition:
"ZONING LOT. See "Lot."
(Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-20, p. 21791, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 1-26-22, p. 43756, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 7-20-22, p. 50878, § 1)
14B-2-203 Measurements.
The following language is adopted as a new Section 203:
203.1 Scope.
Grade plane, building height, building area and floor area shall be established in accordance with Sections 203.2 through 203.5, respectively.
203.2 Grade plane.
With respect to each building, grade plane shall be a reference plane representing the average finished ground level adjoining the building at exterior walls. Where the finished ground level slopes away from the exterior walls, the reference plane shall be established by the lowest points within the area between the building and the property line or, where the property line is more than 6 feet (1829 mm) horizontally from the building, between the building and a point 6 feet (1829 mm) horizontally from the building.
1.   In no case shall grade plane be lower than the top of the established curb at the midpoint of the front property line of the lot on which the building is located.
2.   For all structures on a zoning lot not exceeding 10,000 square feet (929 m2) in area, "grade," determined in accordance with Section 17-17-0265 of the Chicago Zoning Ordinance, shall be allowed to be used as grade plane.
203.3 Building height.
Building height shall be the vertical distance from grade plane to the mean elevation of the highest roof plane. For purposes of this code, building height is not the same as mean roof height.
1.   Building height shall be measured to the highest walking surface of an occupiable rooftop located above the highest story.
2.   Building height shall be measured to the top of a parapet wall that exceeds 42 inches (1067 mm) above the highest point of a low-sloped roof or occupiable rooftop.
3.   Unoccupied rooftop structures shall not be considered in determining building height in accordance with Section 1510.1.1.
4.   Rooftop access penthouses and other rooftop structures associated with occupiable rooftops shall be considered in determining building height in accordance with Section 1513.
5.   Dormers that do not have a low-sloped roof, are no higher than the highest point of the roof plane in which they are located and do not exceed one-third of the horizontal area of the roof plane in which they are located shall not be considered in determining building height.
6.   For buildings without low-sloped roofs or occupiable rooftops, building height may be measured to the mean elevation of all roof surfaces above the finished floor of the highest story.
7.   Where there is no occupiable rooftop above and the highest roof plane is provided with continuous insulation installed entirely above and not exceeding 12 inches (305 mm) in height above the structural roof deck and required parapet walls, building height may be measured to the highest point of the structural roof deck.
203.4 Building area.
Building area shall be the sum of the horizontal area included within surrounding exterior walls, or exterior walls and fire walls, exclusive of courts for each story above grade plane and the horizontal area of mezzanines, equipment platforms and lofts. Areas of the building not provided with surrounding walls, such as patios and exterior balconies, shall be included in the building area if such areas are included within the horizontal projection of the roof, floor or walking surface above. The floor area of basements shall be included in building area where required by Section 506.1.3.
Exception: The horizontal area of the portion of any story, mezzanine or loft with a ceiling height of less than 5 feet (1524 mm) shall be excluded from the calculation of building area.
203.5 Floor area.
Each reference to "floor area" in this code shall mean gross floor area unless the provision specifically references net floor area.
203.5.1 Gross floor area.
Gross floor area shall be measured in the manner provided for determining building area in Section 203.4 with a further deduction for the horizontal area of shafts without openings and the thickness of interior walls enclosing such shafts. There shall be no deduction for corridors, stairways, ramps, closets, mechanical rooms, elevator shafts, toilet rooms, the thickness of interior walls, columns, or other features. Separated mixed occupancies.
The gross floor area of a mixed occupancy separated in accordance with Section 508.4 shall be the horizontal area included within surrounding exterior walls, fire walls and fire barriers. Areas of the occupancy not provided with surrounding walls, such as patios and exterior balconies, shall be included in the gross floor area if such areas are included within the horizontal projection of the roof, floor or walking surface above. Unseparated mixed occupancies.
The gross floor area of an occupancy that is not separated in accordance with Section 508.4 shall be measured to the centerline of interior walls and partitions that separate the occupancy from other occupancies in the same story.
203.5.2 Net floor area.
Net floor area shall be the actual occupiable horizontal area, not including columns, permanently attached equipment and furnishings that are 28 inches (711 mm) or greater above the floor, the thickness of interior walls and unoccupied accessory areas such as aisles, corridors, stairways, ramps, individual wellness/lactation rooms, toilet rooms, mechanical rooms and closets."
(Amend Coun. J. 7-24-19, p. 3646, § 25; Amend Coun. J. 2-19-20, p. 14473, Art. II, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. II, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 1-26-22, p. 43756, Art. II, § 2)