14A-4-412.3 Additional fees.
The cost-related fees identified in this section are not included in the fees required under this chapter. If a cost incurred by any City department in connection with the issuance of a permit under this chapter has not been calculated into the permit fee required under this chapter, a fee in addition to the permit fee required under this chapter may be assessed, if applicable. Such additional fees include, but are not limited to, the following:
1.   Zoning fees required by Title 17 of the Municipal Code.
2.   Landmarking fees required by Article XVII of Chapter 2-120 of the Municipal Code.
3.   Open space impact fees required by Chapter 16-18 of the Municipal Code.
4.   Planned development fees required by Title 17 of the Municipal Code.
5.   Fees under Section 2-102-080 of the Municipal Code for an official house number certificate.
6.   Fees for project-specific approvals and appeals required by Chapter 14A-10.
7.   Fees for work of any type on or under the public way, including, but not limited to, driveway permit fees, water and sewer connection fees, and scaffolding, barricading, and street-closure fees.
8.   Plan review fees unrelated to the issuance of a permit under this chapter.
9.   Inspection fees unrelated to the issuance of a permit under this chapter, such as annual, semi-annual, or periodic inspection fees.
10.   Reinspection fees unrelated to the issuance of a permit under this chapter.
11.   Reinspection fees related to the issuance of a permit under this chapter, if the reinspection fee is assessed pursuant to Section 14A-5-501.4 or 14A-6-601.1.5.
12.   Fees for optional permit services.
A City department may not assess any fee in addition to the permit fees required under this chapter if the fee being assessed by such City department has already been calculated into the permit fee structure provided in this chapter.
14A-4-412.3.1 Regulated equipment.
If a permit is sought to install regulated equipment, the applicable stand-alone fee provided in Section 14A-4-412.1 must be assessed for each piece of equipment so installed, unless all of the following requirements are met:
1.   A permit fee is charged in accordance with Section 14A-4-412.2.
2.   The regulated equipment is clearly indicated on the construction documents submitted with the permit application.
3.   Any application or form required by the Department of Health to install such regulated equipment is submitted with the permit application;
4.   The Department of Health reviews and approves any required drawings or plans for the installation of the regulated equipment to be installed.
Where all of the requirements of this section are met, the permit fee assessed under Section 14A-4-412.1 or 14A-4-412.2 includes the fee that would otherwise apply to install such regulated equipment. If any requirement of this section is not met, a separate permit application must be submitted for installation of the regulated equipment.
14A-4-412.3.2 Untimely submission of permit application for temporary structure.
Where a complete permit application for installation of a temporary structure is submitted to the building official less than 14 calendar days before the intended installation date, the permit fee is three times the fee provided in Section 14A-4-412.1 or 14A-4-412.2, as applicable.
(Added Coun. J. 10-27-21, p. 40504, Art. IV, § 1)
14A-4-412.4 Permit issued after stop work order or unpermitted work.
Whenever a person receives a new or revised permit after a stop work order has been issued for a site pursuant to Section 14A-3-306 or after work has been completed at a site either without a required permit or not in conformity with the terms of the permit, the subsequent permit must cover all previously-unauthorized work at the site. The building official must add a penalty to the regular permit fee provided in Section 14A-4-412.1 or 14A-4-412.2 for the subsequent permit as specified in Section 14A-12-1204.4.
14A-4-412.5 Waivers.
Except as expressly allowed in Section 14A-4-412.5.1, Section 14A-4-412.5.2, or an uncodified ordinance that is consistent with Section 2-8-065, the building official may not waive or reduce for any person any fee required under this chapter or any other permit-related fee.
(Amend Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 10)
14A-4-412.5.1 Low-income seniors.
If the applicant for a permit is a natural person 65 years of age or older, the building official must waive all permit-related fees and zoning fees if all of the following requirements are shown to be met by the applicant:
1.   The permit being sought is for alterations or repairs to a single dwelling unit or to a residential building containing not more than three dwelling units.
2.   The permit applicant owns and has owned for a period of not less than ten years the building or dwelling unit identified in the permit application
3.   The permit applicant occupies and has occupied for a period of not less than ten years one of the dwelling units located in the building identified in the permit application.
4.   The permit applicant’s household income does not exceed 80 percent of the Chicago area median family income as calculated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
14A-4-412.5.2 Stand-alone permits for Chicago Landmarks.
The building official must waive all permit-related fees and zoning fees, except the stand-alone permit review fee, for permit applications that are subject to review by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks pursuant to Chapter 2-120, Article XVII.
(Added Coun. J. 12-14-22, p. 58278, Art. II, § 10)
14A-4-412.6 Work by the City.
The fees imposed by this title do not apply to permits issued to the City, to any City department or agency established under Title 2 of the Municipal Code, or to a contractor performing work for the City or one of its departments or agencies on a structure intended for public or governmental use or for work undertaken for governmental purposes.
Exception: Work paid for from a grant or enterprise fund or as directed by the Comptroller.
(Amend Coun. J. 6-25-21, p. 32180, Art. I, § 7)