The building official is directed to promptly examine or cause to be examined applications for permit. If the building official determines that an application or any required supporting documentation is incomplete or otherwise deficient, the building official must notify the applicant or the applicant’s agent of such fact in writing. Such notification, which must be dated, must explain why the application or supporting documentation is deficient. For purposes of this section, notification may include an electronic communication or notation in the City’s electronic permit application or plan review system that is available for viewing by the applicant or the applicant’s agent. Further processing of the application may not occur until the deficiencies identified in the notification are corrected by the applicant.
If all deficiencies identified pursuant to Section 14A-4-410.4 are not corrected within 120 days of the notification, the application will be deemed, by operation of law, to be withdrawn by the applicant, and any permit fee deposit paid is forfeited to the City.
Exception: Upon receipt of a written request from the applicant before the date for correcting deficiencies, and for good cause shown, the building official may extend, to a date certain, not exceeding 90 days, the period to cure the deficiencies identified in the notification.