14A-3-301.3 Notice.
The building official is authorized to serve a written notice of violation or order on the owner or other person responsible for the construction, installation, relocation, rehabilitation, demolition, or occupancy of any building, structure, or system regulated by the Chicago Construction Codes where the building official believes or has reason to believe that there is a violation of the Chicago Construction Codes or of a permit, certificate, or trade license issued under the Chicago Construction Codes. The order must direct the immediate discontinuation of the illegal action or condition and the prompt abatement of the violation. Where the order does not specify the time within which abatement must occur, abatement must occur within 15 days of service of the notice, unless the building official determines that a longer period is necessary and reasonable.
14A-3-301.3.1 Public notice.
Where the building official is authorized to serve a written notice of violation by Section 14A-3-301.3, the building official is also authorized to publish notice in one or more newspapers or on a public website. This notice may include details of the alleged violation and any information relating to the filing of a case in a court of law or administrative tribunal or any other action taken by the City seeking enforcement of the Chicago Construction Codes.
14A-3-301.3.2 Effect.
A written notice of violation or order sent pursuant to this chapter is not a determination by the building official that demolition is necessary to remedy conditions imminently dangerous to life, health, or property for purposes of Section 2-120-780 or 2-120-825(c) of the Municipal Code.
14A-3-301.4 Enforcement proceeding.
Where the building official is authorized to serve a written notice of violation by Section 14A-3-301.3, the building official may initiate an enforcement proceeding either by requesting an administrative adjudication before the Department of Administrative Hearings as provided in Chapter 2-14 of the Municipal Code or by referring the matter to the Corporation Counsel for prosecution. The Corporation Counsel may initiate an enforcement proceeding irrespective of whether notice has been previously sent. Any written notice served or sent in connection with an enforcement proceeding initiated by the building official or Corporation Counsel has the same force and effect as a written notice of violation or order issued under Section 14A-3-301.3.
14A-3-301.4.1 In rem jurisdiction.
Where necessary to abate a nuisance or hazard or otherwise authorized by law, the Corporation Counsel may initiate and prosecute an enforcement proceeding before a tribunal with in rem jurisdiction over a property in violation of any provision of the Chicago Construction Codes irrespective of whether notice has been provided to the owner or the tribunal has personal jurisdiction over the owner.