11-6-080 Businesses with more than 100 employees – Additional minimum requirements.
   Except as otherwise provided in the CGB rules, legal entities seeking or obtaining CGB certification for any place of business shall implement at such place of business, prior to certification as a CGB and at all times that such certification is in effect, at least three of the following steps, if more than 100 full-time or part-time employees, or any combination thereof, are employed at such place of business:
      (1)   Provide car/van pool parking;
      (2)   Provide a commuter van;
      (3)   Offer a shuttle service to and from bus, train and/or light rail stops;
      (4)   Provide shower facilities for employees who walk/jog/bike to work or contract with a conveniently located athletic club to use the club's shower facilities;
      (5)   Encourage bicycling to work by offering rebates to employees on bicycles bought for commuting;
      (6)   Provide secured and enclosed bicycle parking for employees (e.g. bike lockers);
      (7)   Offer electric vehicle recharge ports for visitors and staff using electric vehicles;
      (8)   Install renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind generators;
      (9)   Conduct an annual greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and post the results of such inventory, as well as targeted GHG reduction goals, in a conveniently located place where persons can access this information;
      (10)   Draft and implement a 3-year Business Climate Action Plan, which (i) sets a goal to reduce the business's carbon footprint by a targeted percentage over three years; and (ii) identifies key additional steps on the CGB Checklist that will be implemented at the place of business in order to reach reduction goals;
      (11)   Draft, circulate to employees and implement an Environmental Policy, which shall be placed on business letterhead and signed by a controlling person, that includes, at a minimum, sections outlining methods to achieve the following goals: (i) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle; (ii) Toxics Reduction; (iii) Environmentally Preferable Purchasing; (iv) Resource Conservation; and (v) Education; and
      (12)   Any other related steps the commissioner may reasonably approve.
(Added Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115934, § 2)
11-6-090 Pledge – Required.
   (A)   Legal entities seeking or obtaining CGB certification for any place of business shall be required to take the City of Chicago's Green Business Pledge, as follows:
      "We believe that a successful business is dependent on a healthy environment. We are actively working to show our environmental stewardship to our community by committing to the following objectives:
      •   To comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and strive to exceed compliance
      •   To implement and strive to exceed our business's Compliance Checklist
      •   To conserve energy, water, materials and other natural resources
      •   To develop and implement practices that prevent pollution and waste
      •   To be an environmentally responsible business within our community
      •   To strive for continuous improvement."
   (B)   The owner or operator or other controlling person of any place of business certified as Chicago Green Business shall post a legible copy of the CGB Pledge required under subsection (A) of this section in a conspicuous place (1) near the entry to the place of business or in any other place where the pledge is visible to members of the general public; and (2) in at least one common area routinely used or frequented by the business's employees.
(Added Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115934, § 2)
11-6-100 Compliance checklist – Required.
   Legal entities seeking or obtaining CGB certification for any place of business shall be required to complete a checklist, on a form provided by the department, identifying the minimum requirements set forth in Section 11-6-060 and, as applicable, in Section 11-6-070 and Section 11-6-080, that such person pledges to meet, and shall meet, as a condition of certification as a Chicago Green Business. A copy of such checklist shall be posted (1) in a conspicuous place immediately adjacent to the CGB Pledge required under Section 11-6-090; and (2) in a manner that is conducive to review during the business's normal operating hours by members of the general public, authorized city officials, the business's employees and managers and other interested persons. If, due to lack of space or the configuration, location or unique characteristics of a place of business, it is physically impossible or hazardous to post the compliance checklist immediately adjacent to the CGB pledge, a sign shall be posted near the CGB pledge directing persons to the location of such checklist, which shall be conveniently located as near as possible to the CGB pledge in an area accessible to the general public.
(Added Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115934, § 2)
11-6-110 Compliance affidavit – Required.
   Legal entities seeking CGB certification for a place of business shall submit an affidavit to the department certifying to the City that the business (1) meets the minimum eligibility requirements for CGB certification set forth in this chapter and in any rules or regulations promulgated thereunder; and (2) has implemented all of the minimum requirements indicated on the business's Compliance Checklist, as required under Section 11-6-100.
(Added Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115934, § 2)
11-6-120 Certification fee – Duration of CGB certification – Nontransferability.
   The fee for certification as a Chicago Green Business shall be $100.00. Such certification shall be valid for a period of twelve months from the date of its issuance, as indicated on the face of the CGB logo issued by the department. A CGB certification shall not be transferable from one legal entity or place of business to another legal entity or place of business.
(Added Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115934, § 2)
11-6-130 Unlawful acts.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any legal entity to use or post a Chicago Green Business logo at any place of business under such legal entity's ownership or control unless such place of business is in full compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any legal entity to advertise, market, characterize or otherwise hold out its place of business as a Chicago Green Business unless such place of business is in full compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any legal entity certified as a CGB to fail to comply with any reasonable request made by the department in connection with any audit that may be conducted by the department to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any legal entity certified as a CGB to fail to comply with any reasonable request made by any authorized city official in connection with any inspection that may be conducted by such authorized city official to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
   (E)   It shall be unlawful for any legal entity to make any material omission or misleading or false statement of material fact in connection with any application submitted under Section 11-6-040 for certification as a Chicago Green Business.
   (F)   In addition to any other penalty provided by law, any person who violates any requirement of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than $250.00 nor more than $500.00 for each offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply.
(Added Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115934, § 2)
11-6-140 Disclaimer.
   Certification of a place of business as a Chicago Green Business shall not be construed as an endorsement by the City of such place of business. Nor shall such certification be construed to confer on such place of business any legal right or privilege not explicitly provided for in this chapter.
(Added Coun. J. 4-13-11, p. 115934, § 2)