9-72-070 Special permits.
   (a)   (1)   The executive director may, upon application in writing and good cause being shown, issue a special permit authorizing a vehicle or combination of vehicles not in conformity with the size regulations of this chapter or the wheel and axle load and gross weight provisions of Section 15-111 of the Illinois Vehicle Code, to be operated upon any street or highway under the jurisdiction of the city. The fees for permits under this section shall be as provided in Table 9-72-070. All fee payments under this section shall be deposited in an account to be used only for maintenance, repair and upgrading of streets and highways within the city designated under Section 9-72-035.
      (2)   The executive director may, upon application in writing and good cause being shown, issue a special annual permit authorizing a vehicle or combination of vehicles not in conformity with the size regulations of this chapter or the wheel and axle load and gross weight provisions of Section 15-111 of the Illinois Vehicle Code to operate in the following designated industrial truck corridor:
      Calumet Industrial Corridor Heavy Truck Route.
      103rd Street, from Stony Island Avenue to Torrence Avenue;
      Stony Island Avenue, from 103rd Street to 122nd Street;
      122nd Street, from Stony Island Avenue to Torrence Avenue;
      Torrence Avenue, from 103rd Street to 130th Street;
      106th Street, from Torrence Avenue to Burley Avenue;
      Doty Avenue, from 103rd Street to 130th Street;
      Burley Avenue, from 106th Street to 126th Place;
      116th Street, from Burley Avenue to Avenue O;
      Avenue O, from 106th Street to 126th Place;
      Brainard Avenue, from 130th Street to 138th Street;
      130th Street, from Indiana Avenue to Brainard Avenue;
      127th Street, from Halsted Street to Indiana Avenue;
      Halsted Street, from 127th Street to 130th Street;
      122nd Street, from Carondolet Avenue to Avenue O;
      Carondolet Avenue, from 122nd Street to 126th Place.
      The permit shall authorize the operation of a vehicle, whose total gross weight is equal to or less than 160,000 pounds, within the designated industrial truck corridor for the purpose of delivery or pick up of materials. The operation of any vehicle within the designated truck corridor whose: (i) total gross weight is greater than 160,000 pounds; or (ii) operation is for purposes other than for delivery or pick up of materials or merchandise within the designated industrial truck corridor shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (a)(1) of this section.
      The annual fee shall be $100.00. The annual permit period shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of each year. All fee payments under this subsection shall be deposited in an account to be used only for maintenance, repair and upgrading of streets and highways within the city designated under Section 9-72-035.
   (b)   The application for any permit shall specifically describe the vehicle or vehicles and load to be operated and the particular streets or highways for which the permit to operate is requested, and whether such permit is requested for a single trip or for continuous operation.
   (c)   The executive director is authorized to withhold such permit or, if such permit is issued, to limit the number of trips, to establish seasonal or other time limitations within which the vehicles described may be operated on the streets or highways indicated, to require appropriate escort vehicles for the vehicle subject to the permit, or otherwise to prescribe conditions of operation of such vehicle or vehicles, when such action, in the judgment of the executive director, is necessary to assure against undue damage to the road foundations, surfaces or structures.
   (d)   (1)   The executive director shall not issue any permit unless the applicant has furnished proof of commercial automobile liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence, combined single limit, for bodily injury and property damage that may result from the granting of the permit or that may arise from or on account of any work done thereunder.
      (2)   Apart from and separate from any insurance requirement under this section, the applicant shall indemnify, defend and hold the City of Chicago and its assignees and employees harmless from all losses, damages, injuries, claims, demands and expenses arising from the granting of the permit or that may arise from or on account of any work done thereunder. As a condition of the permit the grantee shall: (i) assume all responsibility for any injury to persons or damage to public or private property; (ii) indemnify, defend and hold the city harmless from all suits, claims, damages, or proceeding of any kind for injury to persons or damage to public or private property caused, in whole or part, by the operation of the vehicle in violation of any term or condition of the permit; and (iii) restore at his own cost, to a condition satisfactory to the executive director, any pavement, subway, tunnel, sewer, pipe, conduits, public utility, or any other public property that may be injured by reason of the operation of the vehicle under such permit.
   (e)   Every permit issued under this section shall be carried in the vehicle to which it refers and shall be produced for inspection upon request by any police officer or any other authorized agent of the city. If a permit is not produced upon request, the person operating the vehicle shall be deemed as operating the vehicle and its load without a permit in violation of this section.
   (f)   It shall be unlawful for any person issued a permit under this section, or any employee or agent of such person, to violate any of the terms or conditions of the permit. The penalty for any such violation shall be a fine of $500.00. Penalties for any violation of this section shall be in addition to any penalties imposed for the violation of any other section of this chapter.
Table 9-72-070 Special Permit Fees
Single Vehicle
Vehicle Weight
Single Trip
Monthly Permit
Table 9-72-070 Special Permit Fees
Single Vehicle
Vehicle Weight
Single Trip
Monthly Permit
80,000 pounds or less, operated on streets and highways other than routes designated under Section 9-72-035
More than 80,000 pounds but less than 100,000 pounds:
– citywide
    5 miles or less
    over 5 miles
100,000 pounds or more:
– citywide
    5 miles or less
    over 5 miles
   Fees listed above are per vehicle. An applicant who owns or leases a fleet of 20 or more vehicles may obtain a monthly fleet permit, authorizing the operation of all the vehicles in the fleet in accordance with Section 9-72-070, subject to all the conditions of Section 9-72-070. The fee for a fleet permit shall be 80 percent of the combined monthly permit fees for individual vehicles in the fleet.
   The fee for an annual permit issued under subsection (a)(2) shall be as set forth in that subsection. Beginning June 1, 2016 and every year thereafter, the fees set forth in this section shall be adjusted upwards, if applicable, by applying to the previous year's fees the rate of inflation, calculated based on the Consumer Price Index – Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Chicago All Items) published by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for the 365-day period ending on the most recent January 1.
(Added Coun. J. 7-12-90, p. 18634; Amend Coun. J. 12-11-91, p. 10832; Amend Coun. J. 5-4-94, p. 49884; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-98, p. 78566, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 12-7-05, p. 64870, § 1.4; Amend Coun. J. 11-15-06, p. 93351, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 7-6-11, p. 3026, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. VI, § 21; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 12062, Art. VI, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-16-16, p. 37901, Art. II, § 21)