Every house, room, yard, boat, vessel, or other structure or premises kept or used for the purpose of permitting persons to gamble for any valuable thing within the city is hereby declared to be a common nuisance.
No person shall own, maintain, manage, or conduct, or be interested in owning, maintaining, managing, or conducting, any such place.
No person shall patronize, visit, frequent, or be connected with the management or operation, or shall act as the doorkeeper, solicitor, runner, agent, abettor, or pimp of any such house, room, yard, boat, vessel, or other structure, place, or premises.
(Prior code § 191-3)
No person shall expose any table, wheel, or device of any kind whatsoever, intended, calculated, or designed to be used for gaming or gambling or for playing any game for chance or hazard, in, upon or along any of the public ways or other public places of the city.
No person shall bring into the city or have in his possession within the city, for the purpose of gaming or gambling for money or other valuable thing, any table, wheel or other device of any kind or character whatsoever whereon or with which money or any other valuable thing may in any manner be played or gambled.
(Prior code § 191-4)
No person shall keep, own, operate, use, or cause to be kept, operated or used, in any room, inn, tavern, shed, booth, building, enclosure, or upon any premises, or any part thereof, any clock, "joker", tape or slot machine, or other device of any kind or nature whatsoever, upon, in, by, or through which money is staked or hazarded, or into which money is paid or played upon chance, or upon the result of the action of which clock, "joker", tape or slot machine, or other device, money or other valuable thing is staked, bet, hazarded, won, or lost.
Each day which any person shall operate, keep, own, or have in his charge, possession or control any such clock, "joker", tape or slot machine, or other such gambling device, in violation of the provisions of this section, shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
(Prior code § 191-5)
It shall be the duty of all members of the department of police to give information to the mayor of every house, room, yard, boat, vessel, or other structure or premises within the city wherein any such game or device or policy shop tickets or lists are or may be set up, kept, or maintained. Such members of the department of police shall take all lawful means to suppress and prevent the playing at or use of any faro table, roulette wheel, or the playing of any game or the use of any device hereinbefore mentioned. For this purpose, when and as often as any such member of the department of police shall have reasonable cause to suspect that any such table, wheel, game, or device is set up, kept, or maintained anywhere within the city, he shall forthwith make complaint thereof before some judge of the municipal court and obtain a warrant authorizing him to enter such house, room, yard, boat, vessel, or other structure, place, or premises, or any part of the same. Such member of the department of police shall thereupon have authority to demand entry thereto. No person shall refuse or fail to open the door or entrance thereto, or shall obstruct or do anything tending to obstruct or prevent the entry of such member of the department of police to any such house, room, yard, boat, vessel, or other structure, place, or premises, or any part thereof, when such member of the department of police shall have a warrant.
It shall be the duty of every member of the department of police to seize any such table, wheel, instrument, device, or thing. All such tables, instruments, devices, or things when seized shall be destroyed.
No person shall obstruct or resist any member of the police department in the performance of any act herein authorized.
(Prior code § 191-6)
All betting, wagering, speculating, pool-selling, or bookmaking upon any horse race or races or the result thereof, and all gambling and every game of chance of any nature whatsoever, within or upon any racetrack and racecourse, or in any building within any racetrack or racecourse within the city is hereby prohibited.
Any person found violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $100.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 191-7)