The owner, lessee or person in possession of any real estate within the city upon which are located or situated any clay holes or other similar excavations is hereby required to cause such clay holes or other excavations to be enclosed with wooden or wire fences, of not less than six feet in height. When such fences are of wire only smooth or nonbarbed wire shall be used below a height of six feet above the established grade or above the ground where no grade has been established, and such fence or fences shall consist of not less than eight rows of wire, and such rows of wire shall not be more than nine inches apart.
(Prior code § 193-15)
Any person who (a) for exhibition or display, places or causes to be placed any word, figure, mark, picture, design, drawing, or any advertisement of any nature, upon any flag, standard, color or ensign of the United States, or any foreign flag of any nation or ensign, or state flag of this state or ensign, or city flag of this city or ensign, (b) exposes or causes to be exposed to public view any such flag, standard, color or ensign, upon which has been printed, painted or otherwise placed, or to which has been attached, appended, affixed, or annexed, any word, figure, mark, picture, design or drawing or any advertisement of any nature, (c) exposes to public view, manufactures, sells, exposes for sale, gives away, or has in possession for sale or to give away or for use for any purpose, any article of substance, being an article of merchandise, or a receptacle of merchandise or article or thing for carrying or transporting merchandise upon which has been printed, painted, attached, or otherwise placed a representation of any such flag, standard, color, or ensign, to advertise, call attention to, decorate, mark or distinguish the article or substance on which so placed, or (d) shall knowingly mutilate, deface, defile or defy, trample or cast contempt upon by offensive touching or laying upon the ground or floor, any such flag, standard, color or ensign shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to imprisonment not to exceed six months and a fine not to exceed $250.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 193-16; Added Coun. J. 3-16-89, p. 25723)
No person shall engage in the occupation of ragpicking, the peddling of any article or thing, or the purchasing or collection of junk by handcart, automobile or other vehicle in any public alley between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., except in the area bounded on the north by the Chicago River, on the south by East and West Roosevelt Road, on the east by Lake Michigan and on the west by the Chicago River; provided no ragpicking shall be permitted at any time of the day or night on Sundays or legal holidays. Any person violating this section shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 193-17; Amend Coun. J. 10-7-98, p. 78812)
No person shall enter into or upon any lot, block, or tract of ground in the city which is under cultivation, unless such person be an owner, lessee, or person entitled so to enter, or the duly authorized agent thereof, and any person found by the police in and upon any such premises shall be treated as a trespasser unless he can produce satisfactory evidence of ownership or right to be in and upon any such premises.
Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00 for each offense.
(Prior code § 193-18; Amend Coun. J. 12-4-02, p. 99931, § 5.2)
Whenever any track of any railroad in the city has been or may hereafter be elevated in accordance with the ordinances of the city, no person shall wilfully trespass upon said elevated roadway or track, nor shall anyone aid, abet, or assist therein; provided, however, that the employees of such railroad, acting in the discharge of their duties, may enter or be upon, or walk along or cross such elevated tracks or roadway at any place.
(Prior code § 193-19)
No person shall post, stick, stamp, tack, paint, or otherwise fix, or cause the same to be done by another person, any notice, placard, bill, handbill, sign, poster, card advertisement, or other device calculated to attract the attention of the public, upon any building or part thereof, wall or part thereof, or window, without first obtaining the written consent of the owner, agent, lessee, or occupant of such premises or structure.
(Prior code § 193-20; Amend Coun. J. 3-5-03, p. 104990, § 9; Amend Coun. J. 11-13-07, p. 14999, Art. II, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 4-24-12, p. 25060, § 2)