7-24-160 Sale regulated.
   No person shall sell, offer for sale, or have in his possession with the intention of selling, for internal use by a human being any methyl alcohol or any food or drink, or any preparation or mixture of any kind whatsoever, containing the same.
   It shall be unlawful for any person to sell methyl alcohol, or any mixture or preparation containing the same, or grain alcohol denatured with methyl alcohol to any person who is addicted to the use of alcohol, or who shows any signs of alcoholic intoxication or drunkenness.
   The sale of methyl alcohol, or any preparation containing the same, to any person addicted to the use of alcohol or showing any symptoms or signs of alcoholic intoxication or drunkenness, shall be considered prima facie evidence that such methyl alcohol is intended for internal use by such person.
(Prior code § 97-14)